What should someone do when they dont know where they r in their friendships or what life is like outside the confines of their life at school? And what to do if they seemed to be the most selfish person because they want to be happy and they want people with bigger problems to just not bother them or forget the problems and be nice when they r round that person?
Can someone please tell me. Please..
I have no idea sozza
i don't know because i'm in the same situation
i have no idea for the first question but i will say that for the second question, everyone in the world is like that. i often feel that if i have problems i should still be nice to people as it is not that person's fault for my problems. which means that for your second question, maybe your not being selfish but the other person is...
you know what, in that way, everyone is selfish. but it be normal for someone to feel annoyed about problematic otheress while feeling that one's own issues are more overwriting. but thats like being human, you know like human being. i guess you could just keep up what yo doin, stay open-minded with a balance of selfish and selflessness. but people want to be heard and cared for, which is why they bother others about their problems. the thing is, everyone has about equal munber of extremely different problems, situations and issues. no one can fully understand each other so they put themselves above others. they often want others to care for them but do not return the care. there is nothing specific for you to do unless the full understood situation is said but in general, think about yourself and others aswell and try empathy cause it is really useful. also staying in larger groups of people helps coz people dont like bothering large amounts of people with their problems but rather small doses of friends.
wow that was really long. i just realised i have a brain
*sigh* sometimes i wish i was invited to parties... (emily...)
It's selfish to try to make everyone sympathize with you. That's why the year elevens wince when they hear year sevens complaining about homework but don't say anything. But while that is so, you are a nice person if you listen to others problems, though you mustn't be too nice in this way as you end up bpgged down with everyones problems. sadly, nice guys (or girls) finish last... Be bold.
I sound like an article from wikihow.
I wrote teh lots o.o
Lol i actually simpathise with the year 7s, cause looking back at it i was like asfdsas! wtf did this homework come from!!!!
So I sympathise and lend a helping hand instead of being too selfish.
But you year 10s on the other hand!
You have the exact same assignments as we did and youre all complaining SOOOOOooooo much about them...i really did think year 10 was a complete bludge though!
you know what would be good? having been to a party recently. someone should have a party... even though its teh last day.
that would be good.
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