once (a few months ago) i had a sudden and startling realisation that whenever i moved i made turbulence in the air around and that if i could see the air i would be the centre of a swirling ball of chaos. for some reason i imagined the air currents as purpley pink. then if you imagine the balls of chaos that is everyone else moving around you and it starts getting too complex. i can't map that level of chaos in my head. i don't mean dodgy chaos i mean like real proper turbulence currents, how the air would actually move to a certain degree. but it's weird suddenly realising that you're infinitely connected to everything else and that despite how small we are we have a measurable effect on the universe. it's that confucian thing: a butterfly flaps its wings in brazil and causes a tsunami in thailand. it's funny though because being suddenly realising it quite different to being told it and it's very profound, even though it probably sounds stupid.
on another point: the universe is infinite. an infinite thing has no centre. therefore every single thing in the universe could be seen to be its centre. that includes you (collectively) and i and what's more we're all the centre of the universe at the same time.
and a funny picture if you're a nerd:
You would be able to feel the air as you move in a breezeless room but were used to it, in water you can actually see it happen, but its not as cool because its denser and gravity has much more of an effect on it.
we aren't connected to anything in space... there is nothing.
that picture is like, wow, :DDD
i know but realising it like that, the absolute interconnectedness of everything, is a profound feeling.
*tilts head*
..... Hmmmmm? i did not get any of that.
I realise the conectidnes, but i dont really get much out of it to tell the truth.
woot connections. like when u wave ur finger fast next to something u can feel the air moving.
oh you people!
it just makes sense it even rhymes wit my syllables
hat's rly cool.
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