currently there are 395 episodes, 539 chapters
4kids messed up one piece. they like cut out "offensive" clips like smoking and drinking and they edit it when there's too much violence and blood. because they cut out so many scenes and clips, they can fit two jap episodes into one english episode. and like portgas D ace becomes portgaz D trace. like trace!? wtf thats so gay! and like they make sanji suck on a lollipop instead of smoking and they dont drink cuz drinking is bad. they are pirates, they are meant to drink etc. and like smoker doesnt smoke cigars. and the dubbing!!! oh god so atrocious!!!!!!! its ou-trageous likesanji has an italian accent, shanks has as Australian accent and Usopp is soooo annoying in english! like wtf, accents like that dont exist in one piece and it is so annoying!!!!! Shanks and Luffy are both like from the east blue, why do they have completely different accents? its so stupid! and its so dodgy and unrealistic cuz theres no blood in anything and stuffs. yea. 4kids suck. stupid 4kids go die in a hole. and like ms merry christmas becomes ms groundhog day. wtf is groundhog day? whats it got to do with christmas?! it just ruins everything and takes away the awesome essence of one piece at its rawness. like cereally. 4kids are like ruining the name of one piece and shaming the characters with horrible substitute names. is it so necessary to change names? as if christmas and ace are like offensive or anything.
so ridiculous!!!!!! one piece = <3
i owe you something.
/no you dont
Oh and wtf is up with the no blood? zoro gets hit by a buzzsaw man but no blood
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