Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I don't know what's real anymore.


Brian said...

what's with the sudden drop in enthusiasm on the blog?

something happen whilst i was too busy dilly dallying in my corner?

Șмž said...

hooray for induced collaborative depression.

Șмž said...

but what happen ru?

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

you know how sometimes you see people act completely differently to them behind their backs? what if that was happening to me? i mean, i can see it with my very own two eyes and the other person dont seem to have a clue i mean like, what if nothing i see is real?

AcionMan! said...

Roo you should join philosophy club!

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

bahaha maxim, you make my day!

Șмž said...

wow... but yeah, thats the general idea of acting behind peoples backs? kinda sucks though. why cant we just be straight up with honesty?

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i know right! i know i personally don't say it to people's faces cause im like scared or don't want to stir trouble up and shit like that you know. i guess life is easier if everyone pretends to be nice.

Brian said...

i think it's just that people need to know when to lay out the truth and when to lie

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i dont tell people exactly to their faces when i'm annoyed at them but that's cos i know that i'll get over it and we'll be happy again and theres no need for unnecesary trouble. i just dont get it when ppl are incredibly 2-faced, like a person will look like he/she is bffs wit someone else but IMMEDIATELY when that person leaves he/she will start bitchin bout them. if someones bothering someone else why cant they just act like something's going on instead of being all deceiving and making the other person so oblivious. especially when they're like"oh i HATE that person" but then the next minute they seem so tight and all.
and i look at these ppl and im like, damn that could be me or maybe that IS me, ye know?