Enjoy some pictures that come by me often in everyday life
Friday, August 31, 2012
Im moving to my next host family tomorrow. A kid at school offered to be my host brother, but i have no clue who he is haha oh well. SO yeah, mail and stuff i will give you my new address rater.

Enjoy some pictures that come by me often in everyday life
Enjoy some pictures that come by me often in everyday life
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Here is Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend in Madarin
wA Hu xhi wan niiniupengyo
nI Xchiw yao yi ge sching de
Wa-hurrhirr-HwEi-xHi nii-de-niu-pengyo
Wa chirr dao ni xhi hwan war
Bu-Xhe yi ge mii-nii
Wa-YaO dung nii-de nIUpEnGyo
im crying her accent and pronunciation is just... SO GOOD
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Cazz, xke ci sono venuto??
Ok guys I'm having a pretty rough time here right now, I'm trying my hardest and I really fucking thought I was ok, like that I had changed, I was talking as much as I could, never refusing any offer, doing as much shit as I could here but it's not enough and my family here thinks I'm not doing anything and that I'm wasting my time here!
¿Me ayudad? Gracias chicos...
¿Me ayudad? Gracias chicos...
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Italians and memes: this one is actually pretty good
The pun works heaps better in Italian but
If I drink alcohol,
I'm an alcoholic
If I drink fanta
I'm fantastic!
[cause the word for alcoholic is 'alcolista', which would literally be 'alcoholist', ie someone who uses alcohol... 'fantastic' is 'fantastico' obviously enough... alcolista, fantastico, get it] {cause it sounds the same}
If I drink alcohol,
I'm an alcoholic
If I drink fanta
I'm fantastic!
[cause the word for alcoholic is 'alcolista', which would literally be 'alcoholist', ie someone who uses alcohol... 'fantastic' is 'fantastico' obviously enough... alcolista, fantastico, get it] {cause it sounds the same}
Italians and memes: rage comic edition
Is there something I'm missing here
1: dad, can you give me the keys to the car? I'm going ot with a girl tonight
2: ok, but it's out of fuel
3: no, but I don't need it for transport
1: dad, can you give me the keys to the car? I'm going ot with a girl tonight
2: ok, but it's out of fuel
3: no, but I don't need it for transport
Neil Armstrong died.
He was 82.
You know it occurs to me, in like 30 years, all the people that have ever walked on the moon will be dead.
He was 82.
You know it occurs to me, in like 30 years, all the people that have ever walked on the moon will be dead.
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
oh my! it's george takei!
i love archie comics
veronica is the best
and they hipster leggings.
also what happened to the saturnos on the side
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Normally i can overcome feelings of homesickeness and such....but my troll brain has given me different dreams of how i have returned to Australia and will see everyone, all week no joke.
I miss everyone like fuck, i think i might write a list out of what i wanna do when i get back to relieve some supressed feelings that i might have without even knowing cause a week spent dreaming is probs a wake up call to something.
Also im halfway.
Damn, its either im running out of time to learn japanese, or have too much time until i get back to australia.
Anyway im gonna eat my feelings away yiew best way to do things.
Peace everyone,
We gonna change the world
I miss everyone like fuck, i think i might write a list out of what i wanna do when i get back to relieve some supressed feelings that i might have without even knowing cause a week spent dreaming is probs a wake up call to something.
Also im halfway.
Damn, its either im running out of time to learn japanese, or have too much time until i get back to australia.
Anyway im gonna eat my feelings away yiew best way to do things.
Peace everyone,
We gonna change the world
hey guys please do this poll. it is important that you do
pls do it properly. pls guysss.
also, like it feels really weird. Because you know how the people yo first meet in uni or school, the first people you hang out with usually isnt the group of people you end up with? Well not in all cases but a lot of it. And just thinking about it as like i'm talking to this girl i met at a previous orientation, i can't help thinking where we would be in the next 1 or 2 years. If we will get closer and become like super tight like i am with you guys (well not really i dont know if i can meet people as swagtastic as you kids) or we will be friends that are in separate groups.
sometimes it's so curious to see your position that you are in now and think about like, where will we be. what will become of all this.
also, like it feels really weird. Because you know how the people yo first meet in uni or school, the first people you hang out with usually isnt the group of people you end up with? Well not in all cases but a lot of it. And just thinking about it as like i'm talking to this girl i met at a previous orientation, i can't help thinking where we would be in the next 1 or 2 years. If we will get closer and become like super tight like i am with you guys (well not really i dont know if i can meet people as swagtastic as you kids) or we will be friends that are in separate groups.
sometimes it's so curious to see your position that you are in now and think about like, where will we be. what will become of all this.
I am so out of place here why did I even come here
Being timid is the worst I was so much better/cooler with you guys
Being timid is the worst I was so much better/cooler with you guys
Friday, August 24, 2012
This is very fucking creepy
I googled Sam vaile and look what came up...
Thursday, August 23, 2012
There is a TL;DR at the bottom
So I just woke up from a 3 hour nap which felt like 3 days.
Anything can seriously happen. It felt like one of those dreams I needed a in a long time. Like a dream that reminds you of the past and the ever growing gaps of spaces where memory used to be. And it just creates a lot of random shit that somehow reflect events and other other experiences in your life.
At a point in my dream we were gathered around in a small den. And Josh found some old board game and it was really weird because there were lots of small pieces and cards, some cards had questions while the others had pictures of duck and geese. I don't know what they represented but neither did my brain because every time the Megan in my brain kept trying to explain to me how the game worked I would just stopped paying attention to her. Of course I only did this because my brain who had conjured up this mindless board game didn't know how all these elements fit together as well. So if my brain didn't know, how could it tell me. It just made up a situation where I couldn't ever feel focused enough to listen to the instructions making me think that the information was just slipping through my mind like water in fingers.
The thing is, my brain thinks this is accurate, that I'm just an unfocused shit until I wake up and find out, no Ru, it wasn't because you have trouble paying attention but it was because it would create a glitch in your head. And if that happens then I would have been on my way to lucid dreaming.
Then someone passed around this candy and said that at the beginning of the taste experience, it would provide your mouth with a strange sensation which will fade out into a fizz and then fade out once again into a sweet embrace.
So we all started eating it. And then the sensation was surely strange. I feel like I can almost remember it even though it didn't actually happen because it was a dream but it was like my mind implanted memories that was so convincing my sense of taste and feeling was tricked as well. But the thing is, the candy never grew sweet but it just kept getting more and more intense and unbearable until I decided to spit it out. And this is a dream. A motherfucking dream and I keep experiencing all these dam Sensations.
Like how? How does your brain trick your entire body so that you lose all awareness of time and space in your dreams. It all feels so dam real like being in a full body experience simulator where the visuals trick your mind so that the reality in your head is altered and then you walk to the walls which are covered in projected light and as soon as your finger touches the wall, your senses regain perspective and suddenly you can sense your environment for real.
At one point of my dream, my brain made up a past and I almost believed it and another weird sensation hit me but I would have never noticed why that was so if I didn't wake up. In my dream someone said that Brigitta and Josh used to date and I was like yea they did but then I thought a bit and said hang on that isn't right. Are you talking about the Brigitta Summers I'm talking about and I was about to ask Brigitta myself because i found my thoughts questioning this 'fact' but before I did, my brain must has sensed this fault and someone reply sorry I meant Tyler. And I said, ah yes that's right. Like as if an inquisitive side of my brain was slowly growing and growing (and if it did keep growing it would have realized that I wasn't in reality) and growing but then finally shrank. As if the surroundings started to grow surreal as objects around begin to turn psychedelic and fluro and artificial but then quickly reverted back to their natural tones.
It's like your brain is trying hard to keep you from knowing that this isn't real. That it wants to convince to you in full affect that this is happening.
And dreams are good at bringing up unimportant parts of your past that you would have no need to remember at all.
Like at one point we were watching MTV and those ads that they used to have all the time started playing and god I haven't seen them in so long not that they served me anything but annoyance when they were a common occurrence in my life. You know those advertisements they used to have that advertised phone ringtones and games and other weird crap? They had like a screen with 15 songs and they would slowly go through them one by one to sample what the ringtone would sound like and it was so expensive. Every time I saw those ads I just wondered who would actually buy that. And like that hand skeleton scanning ad. Those types of ads. Thinking back to them feels sort of nostalgic(?)..
But that's the point. I don't care about that, remembering those ads don't mean a thing in my life but it got randomly brought up from a part of my memory into my dream in such a vivid way I couldn't ignore it.
Do they still have it? I remember it flooded MTV air waves when Enrique Iglesias' I Like It was really popular.
So if you have made it to the end(? hopefully) of the post can you tell me if they still have tons of those phone ringtone ads?
-Dreams are weird
-My dreams make shit up and then cover it so that I think it's real
-Dreams create artificial feelings
-Are those ringtone ads on TV still as frequent as they used to be or does no one watch TV anymore?
Anyway, this particular dream has made me super energetic yet utterly exhausted at the same time.
thanks for reading chingus
So I just woke up from a 3 hour nap which felt like 3 days.
Anything can seriously happen. It felt like one of those dreams I needed a in a long time. Like a dream that reminds you of the past and the ever growing gaps of spaces where memory used to be. And it just creates a lot of random shit that somehow reflect events and other other experiences in your life.
At a point in my dream we were gathered around in a small den. And Josh found some old board game and it was really weird because there were lots of small pieces and cards, some cards had questions while the others had pictures of duck and geese. I don't know what they represented but neither did my brain because every time the Megan in my brain kept trying to explain to me how the game worked I would just stopped paying attention to her. Of course I only did this because my brain who had conjured up this mindless board game didn't know how all these elements fit together as well. So if my brain didn't know, how could it tell me. It just made up a situation where I couldn't ever feel focused enough to listen to the instructions making me think that the information was just slipping through my mind like water in fingers.
The thing is, my brain thinks this is accurate, that I'm just an unfocused shit until I wake up and find out, no Ru, it wasn't because you have trouble paying attention but it was because it would create a glitch in your head. And if that happens then I would have been on my way to lucid dreaming.
Then someone passed around this candy and said that at the beginning of the taste experience, it would provide your mouth with a strange sensation which will fade out into a fizz and then fade out once again into a sweet embrace.
So we all started eating it. And then the sensation was surely strange. I feel like I can almost remember it even though it didn't actually happen because it was a dream but it was like my mind implanted memories that was so convincing my sense of taste and feeling was tricked as well. But the thing is, the candy never grew sweet but it just kept getting more and more intense and unbearable until I decided to spit it out. And this is a dream. A motherfucking dream and I keep experiencing all these dam Sensations.
Like how? How does your brain trick your entire body so that you lose all awareness of time and space in your dreams. It all feels so dam real like being in a full body experience simulator where the visuals trick your mind so that the reality in your head is altered and then you walk to the walls which are covered in projected light and as soon as your finger touches the wall, your senses regain perspective and suddenly you can sense your environment for real.
At one point of my dream, my brain made up a past and I almost believed it and another weird sensation hit me but I would have never noticed why that was so if I didn't wake up. In my dream someone said that Brigitta and Josh used to date and I was like yea they did but then I thought a bit and said hang on that isn't right. Are you talking about the Brigitta Summers I'm talking about and I was about to ask Brigitta myself because i found my thoughts questioning this 'fact' but before I did, my brain must has sensed this fault and someone reply sorry I meant Tyler. And I said, ah yes that's right. Like as if an inquisitive side of my brain was slowly growing and growing (and if it did keep growing it would have realized that I wasn't in reality) and growing but then finally shrank. As if the surroundings started to grow surreal as objects around begin to turn psychedelic and fluro and artificial but then quickly reverted back to their natural tones.
It's like your brain is trying hard to keep you from knowing that this isn't real. That it wants to convince to you in full affect that this is happening.
And dreams are good at bringing up unimportant parts of your past that you would have no need to remember at all.
Like at one point we were watching MTV and those ads that they used to have all the time started playing and god I haven't seen them in so long not that they served me anything but annoyance when they were a common occurrence in my life. You know those advertisements they used to have that advertised phone ringtones and games and other weird crap? They had like a screen with 15 songs and they would slowly go through them one by one to sample what the ringtone would sound like and it was so expensive. Every time I saw those ads I just wondered who would actually buy that. And like that hand skeleton scanning ad. Those types of ads. Thinking back to them feels sort of nostalgic(?)..
But that's the point. I don't care about that, remembering those ads don't mean a thing in my life but it got randomly brought up from a part of my memory into my dream in such a vivid way I couldn't ignore it.
Do they still have it? I remember it flooded MTV air waves when Enrique Iglesias' I Like It was really popular.
So if you have made it to the end(? hopefully) of the post can you tell me if they still have tons of those phone ringtone ads?
-Dreams are weird
-My dreams make shit up and then cover it so that I think it's real
-Dreams create artificial feelings
-Are those ringtone ads on TV still as frequent as they used to be or does no one watch TV anymore?
Anyway, this particular dream has made me super energetic yet utterly exhausted at the same time.
thanks for reading chingus
Monday, August 20, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Italian guys
Are all really good looking and fit and it's really kind of embarrassing being around them
no smaz your the real italian around
you be proud of who you are and where you come from.
show them what aussie bois are made up of
EDIT: opps i accidentally posted it how to unpost i'm too lazy sorry smaz
EDIT again: aww thanks for posting this but vafanculo
no smaz your the real italian around
you be proud of who you are and where you come from.
show them what aussie bois are made up of
EDIT: opps i accidentally posted it how to unpost i'm too lazy sorry smaz
EDIT again: aww thanks for posting this but vafanculo
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sharin' Times
Hey guys, so this is just to share with y'all some stuff that I've seen recently (they're mainly just random people's comments, so yeah).
So first off is dis guy http://www.youtube.com/user/fuckthiswhackshit just read his comments. He so stoopid!!! Here's some stuff he wrote:
lil wayne was rapping during back 1000 years ago when this shit was made. and tupac was jacking his lyrics
these broke niggas are just a wannabe odd future they got no swag like wtf? hip hop used to suck until lil wayne and lil b and soulja boy came in and added swag to it. the real hip hop music is now. it was a stupid genre that nobody listened to until after pac dies. hmmm suspicious aint it?
I mean, why use Soulja Boy as someone that represents Hip Hop? And he's always talking about swag. He's the reason people don't like SWAG!!!
This was on a video of the 10 best rappers of all time which had like Snoop, Notorious BIG, Eminem, P Diddy, the Game etc.: where is lil wayne? lil b? kesha? lady gaga? nicki minaj? drake? soulja boy? you have a horrible taste in music.
This guy is pretty good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk6DcuLKQVg&feature=plcp start from 0:50 (Smaz, I reckon you might like him). He's apparently performed with Wu Tang Clan 'n' stuff. So that's a thing...
Then there's this guy, who I first saw this comment "As an employee of IMDB did you guys know that Clint Eastwood was offered the role of 007 but turned it down." and I was all "I wonder if this is true?" (both the employee part and the 007 part [which it apparently is]) so I went to his profile http://imgur.com/user/fakeExpert and on every different photo he pretends to be a different expert (which I found quite hilarious, maybe too hilarious) and yeah.
Then Smaz, did you go here? http://au.totaltravel.yahoo.com/travel-ideas/galleries/g/-/13124778/10/expect-the-unexpected-natural-sights-that-will-blow-your-mind/ from the 2 pictures that I saw and the 3 sentences, it looks pretty cool!
And then there's this that reminds me of all of you (cause we ate ramen a reasonable amount) http://imgur.com/gallery/t55D4
So y'all should check them all out!!!
On some friendship times stuff,
Smaz, what's happening in Italy, I feel like you haven't updated stuff in a while (maybe I just haven't checked), so what's the happs? Like, are you now just chillin' with your cool new host family 'n' stuff?
Alex, what's happening with you too? I mean I see some photo's on facebook of you in stereotypical asian stores doing stereotypical asian stuff, but are you doing other stuff too/ gone anywhere recently like you went for that birthday or something for that guy a while ago (sorry if this is a really confusing sentence but no proof reading shall be done!!!) and are you kicking butt and taking names as a vigilante using your kendo and general martial art skill to beat up bad guys and be like batman?
And Ru, you smell.
Liam (if you read this, which is probs unlikely), how's Brown going? And whenever I say 'Brown' it always reminds me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtywOoT4KMs when he's says "It's time to beat down, encyclopaedia brown".
But chea, fo reals Ru, how's Canadia by yourself and do you have a room mate and are they cool?
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Been watching some Adventure Time so that's cool and Firefly is confusing cause the episodes got released in a bad order ('cause FOX pretty much wanted it to fail from the beginning). Also, I can't check my timetable because the timetable part of USyd's website seems to be down.
Oh well, by guys and have fun doing your thang!
So first off is dis guy http://www.youtube.com/user/fuckthiswhackshit just read his comments. He so stoopid!!! Here's some stuff he wrote:
lil wayne was rapping during back 1000 years ago when this shit was made. and tupac was jacking his lyrics
these broke niggas are just a wannabe odd future they got no swag like wtf? hip hop used to suck until lil wayne and lil b and soulja boy came in and added swag to it. the real hip hop music is now. it was a stupid genre that nobody listened to until after pac dies. hmmm suspicious aint it?
I mean, why use Soulja Boy as someone that represents Hip Hop? And he's always talking about swag. He's the reason people don't like SWAG!!!
This was on a video of the 10 best rappers of all time which had like Snoop, Notorious BIG, Eminem, P Diddy, the Game etc.: where is lil wayne? lil b? kesha? lady gaga? nicki minaj? drake? soulja boy? you have a horrible taste in music.
This guy is pretty good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dk6DcuLKQVg&feature=plcp start from 0:50 (Smaz, I reckon you might like him). He's apparently performed with Wu Tang Clan 'n' stuff. So that's a thing...
Then there's this guy, who I first saw this comment "As an employee of IMDB did you guys know that Clint Eastwood was offered the role of 007 but turned it down." and I was all "I wonder if this is true?" (both the employee part and the 007 part [which it apparently is]) so I went to his profile http://imgur.com/user/fakeExpert and on every different photo he pretends to be a different expert (which I found quite hilarious, maybe too hilarious) and yeah.
Then Smaz, did you go here? http://au.totaltravel.yahoo.com/travel-ideas/galleries/g/-/13124778/10/expect-the-unexpected-natural-sights-that-will-blow-your-mind/ from the 2 pictures that I saw and the 3 sentences, it looks pretty cool!
And then there's this that reminds me of all of you (cause we ate ramen a reasonable amount) http://imgur.com/gallery/t55D4
So y'all should check them all out!!!
On some friendship times stuff,
Smaz, what's happening in Italy, I feel like you haven't updated stuff in a while (maybe I just haven't checked), so what's the happs? Like, are you now just chillin' with your cool new host family 'n' stuff?
Alex, what's happening with you too? I mean I see some photo's on facebook of you in stereotypical asian stores doing stereotypical asian stuff, but are you doing other stuff too/ gone anywhere recently like you went for that birthday or something for that guy a while ago (sorry if this is a really confusing sentence but no proof reading shall be done!!!) and are you kicking butt and taking names as a vigilante using your kendo and general martial art skill to beat up bad guys and be like batman?
And Ru, you smell.
Liam (if you read this, which is probs unlikely), how's Brown going? And whenever I say 'Brown' it always reminds me of this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtywOoT4KMs when he's says "It's time to beat down, encyclopaedia brown".
But chea, fo reals Ru, how's Canadia by yourself and do you have a room mate and are they cool?
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Been watching some Adventure Time so that's cool and Firefly is confusing cause the episodes got released in a bad order ('cause FOX pretty much wanted it to fail from the beginning). Also, I can't check my timetable because the timetable part of USyd's website seems to be down.
Oh well, by guys and have fun doing your thang!
Friday, August 10, 2012
miss golden week
Yo cuz, me here. I promised i'd send you an email tomorrow before you go off to start a new life inside a completely new place and here i am. The timing is perfect because i i have some alcohol in my system that my host father allowed me to share with him haha, after a conversation about how new zealanders say sex instead of six.
Well, you deserve this man. In this world you get what you give, and your quite the giving type if i might add. Whether it be the amount of awesome anime stickers you put on my letters everytime you send them (and the letters themzelves X) ) or the awesome self made birthday presents, i can say positively that you are one of my closest friends and that you arent gonna have no trouble going over to uni and meeting friends. Lets face it, we are explorers XD You love meeting new people, and new people for sure wanna meet you.
Remember, that you aint alone. All those other people, even your room mate, is thinking holisheet im at a new school or holysheit i hope my roommate will be accepting of me. Its easy to get disencouraged (im in a cbf spellcheck attitude atm so itll get worse) but dont ever forget something. Your one of us XD and we have a custom that wherever we go, we always make new friends, without a doubt. Whether it be Jade who i kinda just used to buy alcohol whilst drunk, or that gay guy you met on a bus who you all said was really cool and i got secretly jealous, or the best of em yet Yoyo and Mathias----> that tells us one thing. Fuck yeah we are awesome hahahahaha. Nahhh you get what i mean though, we are all part of the light which touches other people without us even knowing; and you are no exeption!Urghhh i really wanna respell exception because it was at a climx and the spelling makes it sounds anti climmidatic. hahahahaha what huh oh right.
But hey, you already no dat. But whenever you are modest like you are, its easy to forget how awesome you really are and fall for your own lies.
From here on it is like a long farewell, (im slow) and it may be a while till we see eachother-> i/we will all be waiting to hear your awesoem stories cuz XSD (XD's moustache fashion le be in.)
IM gonna miss ya cuz, but ill always carry your spirit with me, thats something that cant be helped when you make a good friend. Now go and give that spirit to others yeah?? And also some woozy hoozy spirits if you know hat i mean DRINK ALL THE RUM .
Aight, im out, ima do some kanji practice- ima become the pirate ki- i mean master all four eleme- i mean create an ideal wor- i mean become fluent in Spanish.
Le bai bai <---(extremely complicated spanish, it translates to; "Goodluck, and ill remember forever that its not goodbye, but see you later ;D
From Alessandro de casiovela der miciandorico nova star driver
Oh wait im in japan haha kewl
Well, you deserve this man. In this world you get what you give, and your quite the giving type if i might add. Whether it be the amount of awesome anime stickers you put on my letters everytime you send them (and the letters themzelves X) ) or the awesome self made birthday presents, i can say positively that you are one of my closest friends and that you arent gonna have no trouble going over to uni and meeting friends. Lets face it, we are explorers XD You love meeting new people, and new people for sure wanna meet you.
Remember, that you aint alone. All those other people, even your room mate, is thinking holisheet im at a new school or holysheit i hope my roommate will be accepting of me. Its easy to get disencouraged (im in a cbf spellcheck attitude atm so itll get worse) but dont ever forget something. Your one of us XD and we have a custom that wherever we go, we always make new friends, without a doubt. Whether it be Jade who i kinda just used to buy alcohol whilst drunk, or that gay guy you met on a bus who you all said was really cool and i got secretly jealous, or the best of em yet Yoyo and Mathias----> that tells us one thing. Fuck yeah we are awesome hahahahaha. Nahhh you get what i mean though, we are all part of the light which touches other people without us even knowing; and you are no exeption!Urghhh i really wanna respell exception because it was at a climx and the spelling makes it sounds anti climmidatic. hahahahaha what huh oh right.
But hey, you already no dat. But whenever you are modest like you are, its easy to forget how awesome you really are and fall for your own lies.
From here on it is like a long farewell, (im slow) and it may be a while till we see eachother-> i/we will all be waiting to hear your awesoem stories cuz XSD (XD's moustache fashion le be in.)
IM gonna miss ya cuz, but ill always carry your spirit with me, thats something that cant be helped when you make a good friend. Now go and give that spirit to others yeah?? And also some woozy hoozy spirits if you know hat i mean DRINK ALL THE RUM .
Aight, im out, ima do some kanji practice- ima become the pirate ki- i mean master all four eleme- i mean create an ideal wor- i mean become fluent in Spanish.
Le bai bai <---(extremely complicated spanish, it translates to; "Goodluck, and ill remember forever that its not goodbye, but see you later ;D
From Alessandro de casiovela der miciandorico nova star driver
Oh wait im in japan haha kewl
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Italians -really- don't understand memes
"you who calls me with an unknown [phone number]
if you have money to spend, do me a recharge! Obviously you have my number."
if you have money to spend, do me a recharge! Obviously you have my number."
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Aight it's avatar us!
I drew these in class a while back! Hope you like them XD >.< Also an awesome youtube video
And for those with timehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_OyHUqIIOU&feature=relmfu
Italians don't understand memes
"To you who sets the price at €0.99
Explain to me what the fuck I do with €0.01"
(because they have 1 eurocent coins)
Explain to me what the fuck I do with €0.01"
(because they have 1 eurocent coins)
This is kinda cool
So I was looking for a game to play.
And I found this,
It's pretty cool
Monday, August 6, 2012
Hello my friends,
The formality of this post is due to the momentous occasion that occurred late yesterday (Sunday, the 5th of August 2012) in that after many years of dedicated viewership (from 2004, that is a period of over half of my life) I finally finished LOST.
It was pretty good, albeit a bit confusing, although Lostpedia has helped me understand some of the trickier aspects of the series. There is just one episode "The New Man In Charge" (which serves as an epilogue) and 'mobisodes' (which were small episodes that only lasted a few minutes that were released during the break between seasons 3 and 4) that I have yet to see.
I thoroughly enjoyed LOST and would highly recommend everyone to watch it (it has even been described as the greatest TV series of all time, which is something that I believe it might just deserve). It is quite truly amazing, with a vast host of characters whom you form attachments with (my favourites were Mr. Eko and Jin Kwon) and the delight at which I felt from the character arcs (for instance, when Sawyer finally begins to show that he cares for the individual people of the group, which I first remember when he is looking for Claire and I'm pretty sure he helps Hurley out then too) and even the small jokes (I don't remember individual examples, but I do remember Jin being a part of quite a few funny moments, especially towards the beginning of the series). But I would say that what LOST's biggest hook was the mystery and the never ending questions that grip you and make you question what the island is, who is good, what should they be doing, who should they trust etc.
So that is all really, a chapter of my life has all but come to a close (something that can be re-read, but never again for the first time), something that has been a part of my life for most of my life. Something that I remember bonding over with Ru and Hui in our former years of high school. Something that I have watched overseas with family I had never known. Something that only relatively recently, I have attempted to see through from beginning to end. It has been an emotional ride (especially yesterday and a certain moment a few days before), but it has finally come to a close and I know that I have enjoyed it thoroughly and would highly recommend this show to all.
So in final remarks, so long LOST and good-bye for now.
It was pretty good, albeit a bit confusing, although Lostpedia has helped me understand some of the trickier aspects of the series. There is just one episode "The New Man In Charge" (which serves as an epilogue) and 'mobisodes' (which were small episodes that only lasted a few minutes that were released during the break between seasons 3 and 4) that I have yet to see.
I thoroughly enjoyed LOST and would highly recommend everyone to watch it (it has even been described as the greatest TV series of all time, which is something that I believe it might just deserve). It is quite truly amazing, with a vast host of characters whom you form attachments with (my favourites were Mr. Eko and Jin Kwon) and the delight at which I felt from the character arcs (for instance, when Sawyer finally begins to show that he cares for the individual people of the group, which I first remember when he is looking for Claire and I'm pretty sure he helps Hurley out then too) and even the small jokes (I don't remember individual examples, but I do remember Jin being a part of quite a few funny moments, especially towards the beginning of the series). But I would say that what LOST's biggest hook was the mystery and the never ending questions that grip you and make you question what the island is, who is good, what should they be doing, who should they trust etc.
So that is all really, a chapter of my life has all but come to a close (something that can be re-read, but never again for the first time), something that has been a part of my life for most of my life. Something that I remember bonding over with Ru and Hui in our former years of high school. Something that I have watched overseas with family I had never known. Something that only relatively recently, I have attempted to see through from beginning to end. It has been an emotional ride (especially yesterday and a certain moment a few days before), but it has finally come to a close and I know that I have enjoyed it thoroughly and would highly recommend this show to all.
So in final remarks, so long LOST and good-bye for now.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
I HAVE PICKED UP ONE PIECE AND AM UP TO CHAPTER 110 (around that area). I have been reborn XD, plus im reading it in japanese and it counts as study (haha not really) so its awesome. Fuck though, its an awesome story, i felt full for the whole day when i read Sanji's story. My host cousin (makes sense) lent me his entire collection, so im stocked up. It takes time reading it in Japanese, but im finally appreciating one piece. {Manga is like a religion >.>}
On the side note, internom (internet + feed) on these pictures:
Some delicious foodz i made. Its noodles served cold (cause its crazy humid/hot here) and its called...wait i forgot. Uuuum. haha. AH. Hayashi chuuka.

I guess ill display some art ive seen. This painting is done only by ink. Just ink. Like...how!?
I guess when your country is the creator of origami it affects your art too. There were tonnes of these lit up origami in the temple on the last internom i sent, it was pretty cool!
ALright ill send more internoms next time, anything in particular you wanna see?
Internom. Remember it- its a new internet word im starting. ALSO the word for vocabulary in Japanese is Tango- i thought that was awesome haha. So when i practice vocab, i think....lets tango. Or, its time to tango.
On the side note, internom (internet + feed) on these pictures:
I guess ill display some art ive seen. This painting is done only by ink. Just ink. Like...how!?
ALright ill send more internoms next time, anything in particular you wanna see?
Internom. Remember it- its a new internet word im starting. ALSO the word for vocabulary in Japanese is Tango- i thought that was awesome haha. So when i practice vocab, i think....lets tango. Or, its time to tango.
Friday, August 3, 2012
Last night I saw the coolest guy
So I'm standing in the park right with the girl from Adelaide, and this tall skinny Asian guy in super skinny jeans and roller blades comes past sits on the swings by himself, goes on his phone for like 20 mins, gets up, does 2 laps of the park and skates off
Fuck man and there are barely any Asians here at all, so it was doubly awesome! He looked so lonely cause he was all by himself, he had swag though. The first thing I thought when I saw him was #swag.
Cool story
Ps passas you should read one piece, it would be so much better in the actual Japanese what with all the puns and bad jokes
Fuck man and there are barely any Asians here at all, so it was doubly awesome! He looked so lonely cause he was all by himself, he had swag though. The first thing I thought when I saw him was #swag.
Cool story
Ps passas you should read one piece, it would be so much better in the actual Japanese what with all the puns and bad jokes
My computer is dieing. I got the blue screen of death.
I have had RAM trouble (lack of) for about 7 months but I kinda assumed it was fine but now the blue screen of death informed me, my computer was deleting unnecessary data in order to remain functioning as I have apparently pushed the processor too far. Fun stuff.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
shit guys
it august

EDIT: ah right I knew there was a reason I was making this post. Hey kids if you were going to send me something.... don't cause I'm moving my house in like 10 days and it takes about 10 days for stuff to get sent over~~~ Thanks for everything

EDIT: ah right I knew there was a reason I was making this post. Hey kids if you were going to send me something.... don't cause I'm moving my house in like 10 days and it takes about 10 days for stuff to get sent over~~~ Thanks for everything
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