Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Italians don't understand memes

"To you who sets the price at €0.99

Explain to me what the fuck I do with €0.01"

(because they have 1 eurocent coins)


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...


i dun get it

maybe it was used as a reaction image to the thing.

that's all i can think.

it dun make sense to me or am i just a dumb?

AcionMan! said...

haha that is so sad

I've seen a few random italian memes just around facebook and stuff and they all seem to miss the point entirely

AcionMan! said...

oh wait and I just realised it's a mashup of "not bad" and "we have a badass over here"

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

but that makes even less sense ahahah