Monday, August 6, 2012

Hello my friends,

The formality of this post is due to the momentous occasion that occurred late yesterday (Sunday, the 5th of August 2012) in that  after many years of dedicated viewership (from 2004, that is a period of over half of my life) I finally finished LOST.

It was pretty good, albeit a bit confusing, although Lostpedia has helped me understand some of the trickier aspects of the series. There is just one episode "The New Man In Charge" (which serves as an epilogue) and 'mobisodes' (which were small episodes that only lasted a few minutes that were released during the break between seasons 3 and 4) that I have yet to see.

I thoroughly enjoyed LOST and would highly recommend everyone to watch it (it has even been described as the greatest TV series of all time, which is something that I believe it might just deserve). It is quite truly amazing, with a vast host of characters whom you form attachments with (my favourites were Mr. Eko and Jin Kwon) and the delight at which I felt from the character arcs (for instance, when Sawyer finally begins to show that he cares for the individual people of the group, which I first remember when he is looking for Claire and I'm pretty sure he helps Hurley out then too) and even the small jokes (I don't remember individual examples, but I do remember Jin being a part of quite a few funny moments, especially towards the beginning of the series). But I would say that what LOST's biggest hook was the mystery and the never ending questions that grip you and make you question what the island is, who is good, what should they be doing, who should they trust etc.

So that is all really, a chapter of my life has all but come to a close (something that can be re-read, but never again for the first time), something that has been a part of my life for most of my life. Something that I remember bonding over with Ru and Hui in our former years of high school. Something that I have watched overseas with family I had never known. Something that only relatively recently, I have attempted to see through from beginning to end. It has been an emotional ride (especially yesterday and a certain moment a few days before), but it has finally come to a close and I know that I have enjoyed it thoroughly and would highly recommend this show to all.

So in final remarks, so long LOST and good-bye for now.


Brian said...

I didn't know you are friends with Riki

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

hellll yeaaahhh now we can talk about it. also i just downloaded the project x sooundtrack

Hoggle said...

how'd it take you 8 years?

Hoggle said...

like i would understand 6 cause of the last season being 2 years ago but 8?

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

because lambert is a slow and it take him long tiem. dat all. he only finis tis jus den.

atta boi now you must begin another new chapter of yu lyf. but not rly. cause yu havent done dat one ep and mobisode.

thos wer gd days. i miss thos. i thik i wuz moar sane den.

Lambert said...

Aight, so Brian, who's Riki?
LotP: Yeah, we can now talk and stuff, which'll be cool. Also, the Project X soundtrack is DOPE!!! (go to lostpedia and down the bottom of a heap of pages you can click on a link and it'll show you a heap of theories for that page)
Hogg: well after the LOST finished there was 2 years (in which I didn't really bother to find out what the end was. It was only this year (say 6 months including times where I stopped watching LOST) that was the time when I watched all of the episodes from start to finish (as there were a fair few that I missed when it was on TV due to just not being able to watch it).
MSG: I'm only sometimes (usually) slow and I had my reasons. I now need to figure out how to watch the last ep (that's much more important than the mobisodes [which I think will go for around 20 minutes total]).

So yeah.

Brian said...

You know..Riki, Japanese dude with almost shoulder length hair. Was apparently in your something class in semester one.

You said a quick hi to him outside Manning last Tuesday. You left me wondering for a while where I'd seen you from before. I only remembered who you were when I was eating my quarter chicken with Riki and Broadway Oporto.

Brian said...


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

btw sawyer and juliet together is my favourite and i like how everyone got really couply at the end except when they were in the church thing it was a bit what the hell

Lambert said...

yeah yeah, I thought you were saying something to do with LOST. He was in my analytical thinking class last semester. Why were you at usyd then?

And hui, I liked how everyone 'realised' and got happy and all of the couples (however I did think that Sawyer was gonna be with Kate [they probs got together afterward, for a while at least]).

Brian said...

Why was at usyd? Had a database lecture at 9am..then a 4 hour gap to do not much with a bunch of people and then another lecture at 3pm.

Lambert said...

Wait, do you go to usyd (I thought you went to UNSW). How'd you meet Riki?

Brian said...

Yeah it's my 2nd year at USYD. Doing Computer Science now. And Riki is a high school friend, known for sleeping all the time in science.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

omg lambert just cos he asian dont mean he go to the unsw omg