Saturday, August 25, 2012


Normally i can overcome feelings of homesickeness and such....but my troll brain has given me different dreams of how i have returned to Australia and will see everyone, all week no joke.


I miss everyone like fuck, i think i might write a list out of what i wanna do when i get back to relieve some supressed feelings that i might have without even knowing cause a week spent dreaming is probs a wake up call to something.

Also im halfway.

Damn, its either im running out of time to learn japanese, or have too much time until i get back to australia.

Anyway im gonna eat my feelings away yiew best way to do things.

Peace everyone,

We gonna change the world


Șмž said...

i get you bro

i get you

Hoggle said...

I hope you aren't feeling too bad. We all get that feeling sometimes. I usually just try to distract myself. Look through photos or watch the blackheath video. Stuff makes me happier. It's like, it'll be cool when you get back.

Xedalenar said...

yeah, miss you guys like crazy and smaz i got yo letter man it cheered me up so much- perfect timing i swear >.<