Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sup guys

Hey its been a while  my tomodachis I got time and i might fill you guys in on life here!

Of what actually. Im at school 5-6 days a week, my host mother has been strict and wont let me out of the house more than once a weekend, and i just wanna get home like crazy and live in my subconcious state of mind making me look really weird and unnapproachable to most people.

Its funny the longer you stay in a foreign country, the more you begin to dislike it.

Everyone here is so bent on being in line with the rules and working hard, that they just watch day by day fly and drag me along with them. So yeah i said my host mother wont let me go out as much, i need your guys advice? I have a friend who said i could home stay with him but should i..? He's chinese so that'll rule out the host 'experience' but im so over this family. Im kinda just ignored, but i try my best all the time to have a happy smile and involve myself in conversation anyhow. And my host mother is an over controlling bdiwehfb who is just controlling me in place of her son that never studies and always just plays games. She said to me, 'what are you here for again? It kinda just looks like you want to play all the time from what ive seen'


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU that hurts when youve studied the entire time up until now

and then i get a text from her whilst out with my friends for the first time in ages, 'oh hey haha (smiley face) sorry i said all my opinions, and didnt hear yours at all!' weiuthahgguh fucking....i swear.

Anyway, i have been completely over biased and only told you the bad things about her, but she is kinda two faced.

Just the thought of being with you guys again keeps me going. I feel like a completely useless retard over here, no job, dont listen in all the classes cause they have no relation to my japanese test (study on my own all the time), and i dont really have deep conversations with other kids as much unless they are english speaking folks. Its like, no one really talks about anything here other than games i dont play and wont have access to playing until i get back to australia, or homework im not given because im an exchange student and we are just here for fun english experience yayay no.

like fuck

when did i get this pathetic?

I wouldnt think twice about running away here but its fucking coooold.

i miss freedom.


Șмž said...

asdfsaduhgjasdsbajgdasgadsgdsa fuck i know so badlY exactly what you mean!! fucking almost ALL of it like the shit of just wanting to get home, hating overseasness, really bad hfam situation, never living up to their expectations despite trying really hard, not seeing friends that much, fucking wanting to run away so bad.
my experiences sound pretty similiar so like, i'll elaborate for you, i hope this shit helps

its like, you try your fucking hardest to do well by your host family but half the time they dont even fucking see the effort you put in so they get pissy at you and they are like
"put some more effort in dude! are you really making the most out of this? why did you come here? this isn't a holiday you know" and they just don't get that it's not fucking easy being in a foreign country!! especially from a different culture, and things can be really easily misunderstood! and where they compare you to their own kid as well?? cause like, my (super amazing) host sister was mad fluent in english before she left, she is mad talkative and so made so many friends in the first few weeks of being in chatswood, and actually managed to make more friends over here than she had in sardinia in the first place. and in the first family, they were never fucking there so they never even saw me except for less than half the evenings & lunch times, or -occasionally- for a weekend, where they'd be too tired the whole time to actually do shit with me...

and the thing about being fucking useless over there...


for the 2-3 months or whatever with the first family where i was trying to change (since like a month in!) the fact that i was just trapped alone in the house with almost no food, no other people, no tv and literally nothing to do except go on the computer and play the host bro's 7 year old guitar, and then bitchface (the area rep) was refusing to let me change family for the whole time and kept going on about how it was my fault i wasnt partaking in 'italian culture'... man for that time i fucking hated it over there and i was actually really angry, like the most i'd ever been in my life. i used to just not go home after school which finished at like 1:00, i'd fucking run away in the town by myself and walk around town all day looking for things to do, which of course there weren't much of. then i'd get back home at like 8:00 and go on my computer and at like 8:30 the host parents would get home and just sort of assume I was there the whole time because of course they never even saw me.
but anyway enough fucking complaining about my experience that's the opposite of what i should be doing here sorry

fuck that shit, go stay with your other friend man. staying with a chinese kid will give you exposure to other cultures as well which would be good anyway, but it seriously sounds like you need to get out of that house. don't stay in a family where you're miserable! and who knows, you might even have some super amazing bro-tier moments with this other guy seeing as he's your friend already! because you only have that much time left on this amazing japan once-in-a-lifetime thing, you absolutely HAVE to make the most of it~!
also organise shit with your friends there, just like text them or ask over facebook if they wanna do stuff some time. just keep asking till stuff happens

[[and let me just straight up give you some advice, I don't know how much it applies to you but this is what I eventually did to get out of my first family: if the people won't let you move, then fuck independence, get your parents in australia onto that right away, because then you will move guaranteed. i wasted so much time trying to be independent and fix my own problems but nobody would listen, whereas they were legally obligated to when my parents asked and it happened really quickly since then]]

Șмž said...

the other thing i want to say is this: don't even worry about wanting to see us again... like, no matter what, past a certain time, we'll all see each other again. we'll be here when you get back man. (except for ru -.-) everyone has changed heaps, but we're still the same people. you will probably have changed more than the rest of them though. we'll always be here for you bro,
because we are your friends
you'll never be alone again
and even despite all the bad times you're going through, rose-petal glasses is a thing that happens man. you will look back on it later and see it in a positive light, I promise you. people will ask you about it and you'll be like, "yeah wow i actually did this really incredible thing! i'm so glad i did that"
just seriously, do everything you can to make this the best possible experience for you because this is about you, and so you should be going all-out to have the best possible time there. being blindly ridiculously positive about it does work, ofc you know that, but it has its limits too... it's not selfish to change shit that's getting you down man.

ok i wrote heaps and its taken like an hour to write it all and its 2am so
tldr; do as much as you can, do everything you can to make sure you have the best time there.

i really hope this helps you somehow! bro.

and if all else fails, say fuck it, get a mohawk and hang with the local delinquents for the rest of the time

xed said...

thanks so much smaz >.<

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...


passasasasasassaasss that sounds so tough. I get the longer you stay in a foreign country the more you begin to dislike it thing only that i never got that in sydney and only that im living quite the opposite life to you but anyway

You know there really is something about sydney and you guys that just sounds like the real reaches of freedom.

I think you should stop worrying about other people man, its hard to do what you're doing and you're doing this for yourself. don't let no one else try to control you or whatever. i think you should go with that chinese friend because whats the point of living everyday the same. that's not really an experience right??

I don't know if what i says make sense. I think a really big thing is the mass contrast between life in aus and life there.

You guys really don't know how different it is. I feel like we are almost a singularity.

Keep going and fighting man. You're in motherfucking japan. Soon you will be back in aus with all your nakamas and you can look back at your experience and it's fucking insane.