it's in italian but dw I'll give you a frame by frame translation. dw yes I studied italian-english translation and got a HD for it so I like to think I'll do okay at the translation of the joke

"Given that it's Christmas, I've decided to prepare some special dishes for you tonight"
"Oh yeah? Which dishes?"
"Those to be washed"
...wait hang on a minute I don;t get it! This joke isn't... funny at all? I mean I get that there's a pun in the second panel. and that would be okay by itself - let's pretend that Italian society isn't very misogynistic and assume for the benefit of the doubt that this would work equally well in a modern context by swapping who says what - but why the fuck would you include the third panel? what the actual fuck like who writes this shit and who thinks it's okay to write this shit and just be all "ok well i guess what this meme needs is the man to call the woman a whore and tell her to get back in the kitchen"
like what the fuck
the thing that gets me though is that this was a woman who shared it. I used to think she was one of the more progressive people from my class in Italy, she spoke probably the best English and was obsessed with American media. I guess not??
but I mean this basic and frankly disgusting worldview also comes from the same person who shares this: (and in general, many other people who think like her (I know I'm shitty for judging but fuck these backwards types! they'd vote for the libs))
ummm I mean I don't actually speak sardinian but I know enough to probably translate it as:
"Now they start with the photos of the big dinner" (I'm assuming it's christmas dinner) and the page it was shared from, "Mi?nioneddos Sardos", translates as little sardinian minions
that literally has nothing to do with minions except they have put some christmas minions they found from google (see exhibit a)
exhibit a |
but that's what italians think the internet is for apparently
not to paint with a broad brush because yeah there are large swathes of just the most basic individuals in just about any community and yeah I mostly know Italians from the towns rather than many from the city so the fact that I consistently see italians posting this crap over aussies or spanish people is entirely due to selection bias but still
what the fuck is this shit
idk I could not live in that country man it has so many problems
but the culture is one of the biggest ones and that's the hardest to change esp seeing as italy is one of the countries with the oldest populations in the world bc of the exodus of young people
and it makes me really sad because there are really fantastic aspects of italian-ness and I hold a really special place in my heart for that country! I'm very familiar with all the ins and outs of italian life and I know it's not all fucked and there are good people but there are also so many more rigid social norms and the people are a lot more willing to just buy into whatever the media says (hence Berlusconi was in power for so long, he owned all the media)
and I'm just really scared of going back there because I don't want to get caught up in all that bs! I'm proud to be australian because of how progressive we mostly are but it's easy to forget that most of the world, especially the non-anglophone parts, is still caught up in mentalities and worldviews that we consider outdated.
the world is a wonderful thing and I'm so glad to be exposed to the myriad of cultures I've been exposed to and I'm glad I've had the opportunity to travel around Italy and Spain and Portugal
but living there.
It just really saddens me that shit like this happens in a country that will always be a part of who I am and has always been a part of my life in some way or another (thanks IGS you dabes)
sorry for not organising my words well this time around ill write some more about new year spirit and how i love you and blah when my hands arent hurting so much
1 comment:
wow man. that's actually so gross. fuck i always forget how backward other cultures can be, living in this amazing inner west life I have.
women are literally more than 50% of our entire population but still get given that crap and think they are lesser to man. like thats so fucked. that women themselves believe that and believe that that's the way it is. like how is that even funny in the slightest except for self-deprecating women with insecurities, that take after unwarranted egos of men and their shitty view.
also what is even wrong with photographing the christmas dinner. its a lot of effort. what's wrong with a physical memory to maintain a visual memory of its beauty. its like they are trying hard to find things to hate on in regards to women? idk. man im so glad I don't see that on my facebook cos it would make me super angry. i would probs just delete them (i have deleted people who have posted sexist + slut shaming shit before, like fuck them)
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