Saturday, February 6, 2016

spanish and facebook posts: the depressing yet completely obvious sequel to italians and memes

ok well not really so much of a sequel as just a depressing reminder that so many europeans (and most of the first world populace actually somehow) (and probably most people full stop) are cunts and I feel so fucking strongly about this bullshit that I can't not share fuckk.
don't get me wrong i've seen some horrible memes from spanish people i just thought i'd start with this. less of a meme and more of... i mean, what even is this shit. please i hope you imagine correctly the intonation i use when i say the word "shit" just then, like imagine me with my face all twisted up and looking down on this
yeah you might have to click it to see it in all it's glory.
and yes. that image was actually legit that low quality, with the arrow buttons actually part of the image. you can barely read it

translation and caricature: (each line is a sign, left to right)
socialist (note that he's short and unkempt and meant to look like he's stoned bc weed = bad): "YOU MUST INTEGRATE YOURSELF WITH THE FOREIGNERS"
native south american (this is cute, this is one you don't usually see in the equivalent vitriolic rhino shit from other countries): "EXTERMINATE THE EUROPEANS" (wait but the europeans... did that to the south americans... umm...)
seedy creepy pedophile caricature clutching onto kid because that's what right wing people are going to draw in their hate cartoons: "LEGALISE PEDOPHILIA ALREADY!" (what world do you live in where you think people fight for this cause. what the actual fuck)
punk w mohawk: "ANARCHY OR DEATH" (lol punk is dead m8)
very racially caricatured terrorist "ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR!"
i can't read the next one but i'm assuming it's a strawman feminist because of the symbol below the text 
terrorist in niqab that they probably think is a burqa: "ACCEPT ISLAM, INFIDELS"
the gay fatcat: "GAY" "AGAINST TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE" like he literally just says his stance on the issue on a piece of cardboard also fuck that noise like as if gay people don't want traditional marriages to happen. like it's not like you can only choose between gay or straight marriage. what the fuck is wrong with your marriage if you feel you need to safeguard "marriage" from "the gays." your marriage is probably shit ok let's not kid ourselves your marriage is shit because you married someone you hate who hates you because you hate fucking everyone. you have no meaningful connections to a single other human being and this hateful shit is how it manifests ok moving on (also is it supposed to be some damning of the corporate world because your protagonist is an accountant or runs numbers for marketing for all we know)
angry woman "fascist!" also is this supposed that in your view women can't get angry bc then you paint them as ugle. jesus man
lol who wants to be a balding milquetoast 50-something businessman why do you choose this as your avatar you're drawing the cartoon yourself you know that. you could choose anyone. idealise yourself a little. don't just go straight for the frozen food section in your supermarket, c'mon how hard is it to chop vegetables yourself, it's your turn to cook, that's just kinda sad?... what do you mean you missed your daughters play at school? I mean you don't even know her that well. like i bet you couldn't tell me the names of her friends. oh and you forgot your anniversary too are we supposed to be sympathetic towards you for having a terrible marriage? okay so i made the majority of these descriptors up but you can see the type of person that i associate with the exact image of the person you've chosen to represent yourself as in this cartoon: "DEFEND, ENCOURAGE AND PROTECT YOUR SPANISH CULTURE [spanish flag]" nb spanish culture died with franco

for reference comments on the image in fb:
1) "that's the sad reality that we must change" (idk if this is pro or against but im gonna guess from context it's pro the opinions smugly-shat-out-onto-the-floor by the original picture)
2) "what's happening in spain is deplorable, so many laws and few obligations"
3) "spanish culture?"

ok it's basically just hate speech actually like it's one of those misguided things where right wing people try to justify the fact that they hate anybody not like them passionately and also they pretty much hate everyone like them and they live their tiny little lives embracing hate and hating their friends and their life and then acting victimised by it because they have never had to face any real pain or discrimination in their fucking tiny little village person lives. they are usually white and men and straight and would probably not hesitate to disown a child for being gay. can I just say, from my experiences, spain is a country where a huge number of the population is actively fascist. literally the same as defending the right to be a bigot. it's such dog whistle bullshit everyone actually knows that underneath the very very transparent facade, they deep down believe in eugenics and would probably commit mass shootings without thinking twice.
no like actually though i have trouble seeing far right wing people as being capable of having any ounce of compassion at all it just seems like they live small lives with zero exposure to the outside world at fucking all!!! like what
is this just a base reaction to people pointing out that you are a fascist because you pretty much hate everything? they are acting as if "defending traditions and culture" is this noble thing that because you stand under that banner, you get the okay to put everyone in these tiny little boxes that are specifically out to get you because because.
but it gets so much worse because the spanish flag is still so strongly associated with Franco and his fascist regime like basically anyone who says this shit probably actually would have turned their neighbours in to the secret police or the catholic church.

fuck i'm out. i know it's really not worth the effort but it's like, you're a person i knew in real life. you're 20. fucking hell man. i actually unfriended him after this and usually i like to keep the foreign language peeps as friends for language practice and shit

(i feel like i'm not that good at explaining or describing things haha)

1 comment:

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

im surprised a lot of people liked that.
is that even something you put on facebook? why do people go so far out of their way to hate on difference?
or is it super sarcastic? like the "defend spanish culture' dude looks boring AF
and defending a culture is not rejecting others? or rejecting the rights of others just because those people wrongfully did not have rights in the past?
why are people afraid of change and why cant they think for themselves