Saturday, April 11, 2009

last exam post!

I know this is kinda late, but...

I reckon I got at least 85%, possibly more. And I was only aiming for 70!  What's more, I finished with half an hour left! last year I didn't even finish, I only did half of it.
Also, history was so damn easy and I did well and all. Geography SUCKED tho. I did geo first and I was like one page into the essay, and I had an hour and ten minutes left so I was like yeah I'll go onto history now but then I didn't have any time left when I finished history. oh well.

But in geography they must have used the same questions last year or something, cos my broadsheet was pretty much covered in the answers. Win.


"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

i didn't think the maths exam was that easy. i mean it wasn't extraordinarily hard but not particularly easy either.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

so yeah, tell me all the answers/questions/whatIneedToKnow?

Șмž said...

yeah, i did the history exam first but didn't finish geo.
and my broadsheet even had written on it the bearings and stuff. not just like a line to it, but the actual bearing. and that sorta stuff. it was awesome...

it was an easy maths exam, but that's just a sign you failed.