I mean it's basically inviting children to become whores, not that all beauty pageant contestants are whores but when beauty and winning is promoted so high above intelligence, common sense and not selling yourself, there are going to be some pretty bad consequences for those children. I mean, like, yeh I just find it a little weird.
This kid is 6. and she looks old and her eyes are creepy, her name is Eden Wood, she is like the top child pageant kid in the US. Yeh sry, it's just a bit wrong to do this, I reckon. What do you guys think?
Ok here is her video, it legitimately scared the fuck out of me;
yeah but its freakin great entertainment and some parents even sign their newborns and one year olds for pageants. its riduculously crazy and they spend shitloads of money on it.
Her voice is that of angels.
i reckon, if the kid is still having fun, then let her do it. but the second she don't wanna. let her stop and be a kid.
That photo looks edited as hell. FUcking hell why would anyone want a kid to look that fake and disgustingly artificial?
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