Friday, September 16, 2011

1 Week.

I guess it's only normal that when things begin to end in your life that you then think about all the times that you will miss, the best times and you feel like any times of even remotely similar value in happiness or excitement will never happen again or at least not for a while
It worries me that I will never see certain people again, ones that I am not really good friends with but are still really lovely people. Like Adrienne, Nat, Max or Dylan-Dylan-Dylan.
I don't know how to deal with this, I mean I have done it all before but I don't think anywhere has been my home like IGS has and now, it's time to leave. And you know I am so scared I will never fit in somewhere like IGS. I'm scared I'm going to get friends who are like me, and not loud and happy and sing and dance in public. I am seriously going to miss the magenta and yellow walls. The colours that made school so vibrant. There are so many memories I have and I will always want them to continue.
I know after this year there will be an ending and one or two people I see this year I may never see again in my entire time on this planet and that is really sad to think about. I wouldn't even say people I am friends with, just people that have been a part of my life at school.
But you know, one week of getting up early and putting on school uniform to go to classes left. It's not going to be an easy week, but I will enjoy it down to the last second.
That's it.

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