Saturday, September 3, 2011

Which [room] should I taaake?

K so in Canberra I have two options to take for accommodation.

#1: Single bedroom with bed + desk and thats pretty much it, and then there's stuff like communal bathroom (part I like the least,) a giant communal kitchen that everyone uses, and then community shit like a common room, library, music rooms, even a bar, etc. The whole place is like one big college family, and it would be like living in Kuyal or Gura or something. Activities basically everyday (which aren't compulsory but it seems like everyone does them anyway) and a giant sense of involvement and friendship and blah. I know I'll make heaps of friends there, but it sounds a little tiring and perhaps a too impersonal.

 #2: "Multishare room," which is basically like 6 single bedroom dorms all attached to a central living room, kitchen and bathroom. Basically, an apartment with roommates. Now I really like the idea of having roommates, but there's a possibility that the people I end up with totally suck, and the building that its in has no where near the facilities and community of #1. I'd have wayyyy more privacy, but there'd be less stuff for me to do and I'd probably meet less people (which I don't really mind unless the people also suck.) The place is also really new and fancy, but sorta sorta stale. It's also more expensive than #1.

 So which one do I choose Random Stuffs? I like, want each of them equally as much.. my ideal choice would be having roommates with all the college stuff, but that doesn't exist so it's one of the other...


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Hey boy ill say take the first option because ive heard stories of people sharing dorms with tons of people but they dont like it cause when it comes to cleaning and stuff, its not fun.
Anyway, the first option sounds like what they have in true cross academy.

Șмž said...

the first option would be a lot of fun. it'd defs be the most memorable and probably fun experience of the two. but then again, it'd be like living in school camp the whole time

and this is a very big butt
communal bathrooms
ie not having a bathroom in your house/room/whatever, and this includes a shower. just think about it

to me, the second one seems the most appealing. yeah, there'd be way less shit to do. and its more 'sheltered'. but its uni life? there's gonna be heaps of stuff to do anyway, and having a core group of people around you who might not end up being the people you hang out with would definitely be a huge positive. and if you're sharing a room with 6 persons, there's bound to be at least one good one right?

that being said, the first one would also be pretty fucking awesome. shit.

flip a coin

Jonny Boyz said...


if you dont like it, its only for a semester...

but it could be AWESOME!!!

Anonymous said...

definitely #1, sounds awesome