Thursday, August 23, 2012


There is a TL;DR at the bottom
So I just woke up from a 3 hour nap which felt like 3 days.


Anything can seriously happen. It felt like one of those dreams I needed a in a long time. Like a dream that reminds you of the past and the ever growing gaps of spaces where memory used to be. And it just creates a lot of random shit that somehow reflect events and other other experiences in your life.
At a point in my dream we were gathered around in a small den. And Josh found some old board game and it was really weird because there were lots of small pieces and cards, some cards had questions while the others had pictures of duck and geese. I don't know what they represented but neither did my brain because every time the Megan in my brain kept trying to explain to me how the game worked I would just stopped paying attention to her. Of course I only did this because my brain who had conjured up this mindless board game didn't know how all these elements fit together as well. So if my brain didn't know, how could it tell me. It just made up a situation where I couldn't ever feel focused enough to listen to the instructions making me think that the information was just slipping through my mind like water in fingers.
The thing is, my brain thinks this is accurate, that I'm just an unfocused shit until I wake up and find out, no Ru, it wasn't because you have trouble paying attention but it was because it would create a glitch in your head. And if that happens then I would have been on my way to lucid dreaming.
Then someone passed around this candy and said that at the beginning of the taste experience, it would provide your mouth with a strange sensation which will fade out into a fizz and then fade out once again into a sweet embrace.
So we all started eating it. And then the sensation was surely strange. I feel like I can almost remember it even though it didn't actually happen because it was a dream but it was like my mind implanted memories that was so convincing my sense of taste and feeling was tricked as well. But the thing is, the candy never grew sweet but it just kept getting more and more intense and unbearable until I decided to spit it out. And this is a dream. A motherfucking dream and I keep experiencing all these dam Sensations.
Like how? How does your brain trick your entire body so that you lose all awareness of time and space in your dreams. It all feels so dam real like being in a full body experience simulator where the visuals trick your mind so that the reality in your head is altered and then you walk to the walls which are covered in projected light and as soon as your finger touches the wall, your senses regain perspective and suddenly you can sense your environment for real.
At one point of my dream, my brain made up a past and I almost believed it and another weird sensation hit me but I would have never noticed why that was so if I didn't wake up. In my dream someone said that Brigitta and Josh used to date and I was like yea they did but then I thought a bit and said hang on that isn't right. Are you talking about the Brigitta Summers I'm talking about and I was about to ask Brigitta myself because i found my thoughts questioning this 'fact' but before I did, my brain must has sensed this fault and someone reply sorry I meant Tyler. And I said, ah yes that's right. Like as if an inquisitive side of my brain was slowly growing and growing (and if it did keep growing it would have realized that I wasn't in reality) and growing but then finally shrank. As if the surroundings started to grow surreal as objects around begin to turn psychedelic and fluro and artificial but then quickly reverted back to their natural tones.
It's like your brain is trying hard to keep you from knowing that this isn't real. That it wants to convince to you in full affect that this is happening.
And dreams are good at bringing up unimportant parts of your past that you would have no need to remember at all.
Like at one point we were watching MTV and those ads that they used to have all the time started playing and god I haven't seen them in so long not that they served me anything but annoyance when they were a common occurrence in my life. You know those advertisements they used to have that advertised phone ringtones and games and other weird crap? They had like a screen with 15 songs and they would slowly go through them one by one to sample what the ringtone would sound like and it was so expensive. Every time I saw those ads I just wondered who would actually buy that. And like that hand skeleton scanning ad. Those types of ads. Thinking back to them feels sort of nostalgic(?)..
But that's the point. I don't care about that, remembering those ads don't mean a thing in my life but it got randomly brought up from a part of my memory into my dream in such a vivid way I couldn't ignore it.
Do they still have it? I remember it flooded MTV air waves when Enrique Iglesias' I Like It was really popular.

So if you have made it to the end(? hopefully) of the post can you tell me if they still have tons of those phone ringtone ads?

-Dreams are weird
-My dreams make shit up and then cover it so that I think it's real
-Dreams create artificial feelings
-Are those ringtone ads on TV still as frequent as they used to be or does no one watch TV anymore?

Anyway, this particular dream has made me super energetic yet utterly exhausted at the same time.

thanks for reading chingus


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

those ads still exist, they have those ones where the sample a quote from some celebrity and you can make it your text tone like J-wwoww saying "hey boo boo it's me"

i had a dream that you made me make a bunch of japanese food and i kept doing it wrong on one of them involve wrapping something in bacon so i got the bacon but the scene changed and i walked back to the kitchen with raw strips of bacon in my hands thinking "god i need to cook this or ru will get angry"
but it turns out i was in singapore and i ran into melanie raimundo and she was working at mcdonalds. also i asked her what clubs were good and she told me but i forgot what they are. and that was my dream.
what the shit.

Jonny Boyz said...

i dont watch tv anymore

smaz said...

I dreamt I was back in Australia and I was watching some amazing return home Olympic athlete ceremony and then kanye west took the seat next to me and I was like, Whoah shit! And I wanted to say something but I didnt and then we had to change seats and he chose not to sit next to me and I was kinda sad about it... And then I was like, "I'm going to earn his respect so he wants to sit next to me some time" and thn I woke up

I think it represents fear of missed opportunities