Tuesday, June 14, 2016

I talk about work too much


I realised today, I would totally have quit my job if like I didn't like the company or the people.

But I like my other bosses, and like the senior people, the company also is like really left wing which is really nice.

Yeah but if it wasn't, I would have quit, like a month ago, or maybe after my holiday/found a new job.

On another note, my life is just work, that's what I do now, I work, and I know a lot about work things. I spend 10 hours a day at work. Then I get like a few hours of free time  and then I sleep for 8 hours.
Fun life I lead.

On a different note, Japan in 2 weeks.

On another note - I wonder what it's gonna be like going back to answering phones after all this, probably kind of boring. Maybe not, we'll see, I'm still gonna have to answer the phones, but maybe it won't  be just admin, there is a fair bit of admin though.

It's gonna feel a bit like being demoted, a bit sad really, after all the work I put in. I wonder if they realise how much I've actually put in this past 3 months.

I think I just need a break.

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