Saturday, June 18, 2016

Today I finished my last class of my entire university life

My graduation will be in November.

 I'm running out of reasons to be in the city of toronto that is so strange and weird to the point that systematic racism exists in my own cult but people have no clue about it.


 My last class was an art class about curating. it was aight but we got a chance to curate our own exhibition for our final project. So my project was about performance art and how to represent it. Cause playing videos or showing performance art might not be enough.

 So my project was like 3 works:
One where the artist stares into the eyes of an audience member for 10 minutes
One where the artists communicate to each other with semaphore flags
One where the artist is google and people ask them questions

So for my show, I made everyone in my class do it.

Like I made them stare into the eyes of each other, had people pretend to be google and other class people ask them random questions and had people communicate with flags.

It was terribly awkward. but like good? People immediately sat infront of someone they knew and were like, i hate making eye contact etc...
And people didn't want to ask questions ...

But it was like ok cause it was a reflection of them and our society. The whole thing was so uncomfortable and awkward. I was like nervous laughing my way through it and my prof was like...


Anyway, this is the way i ended my uni life. Afterwards i saw all my friends graduate.

1 comment:

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

NIce! i like how you stole all your ideas from sydney exhibitions!