Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Man perspective really are a killer

I have to write this down here, i just have to.
So like, at my cafe i'm a waiter, along with hway there. And tonight I had a function from 9pm to 1am, where i had to bring out canapes and booze for the crowds. One of the bartender had given his shift to his Czech Republican mate (they're both from there) and he was to act as 'manager' but not really, cause the real manager was away he was really at the same level from us (his name too, Alex).

But like yo. So i see him from that perspective. "He's not really the manager, but rather just like us, and the same level," so I treated him that way. He tried to from me and Adrienne in line and make us have that kinda 'fear' perse by saying orders and things... but my perspective still prevailed.

SO then, he took it all as a joke, and had the 'ahhh you guys are right, let's just get through this' attitude.

Therefore, what is the mode of thinking that the older Alex had?
-a) He entered the cafe thinking; I am taking over for the other manager, so i gotta make sure they are in line. *kids rebel* ok nevermind that. :\
-b) He entered the cafe thinking, ahhhh they know whatsup, I'll just make some superiority jokes and they'll do the rest
-c) He entered the cafe thinking, Man, wtf am I doing here. Oh well, gotta impress the boss, make sure to play along with the kids for a while.

-d) He entered the cafe thinking, maybe they're interesting, idk, woop nup they're fisty better not try to intervene.

Like yo, there are so many more options.

Fuck man. People are complicated, and I love it. There will be a time when we will be able to categorise personality, so enjoy this anarchy of understanding whilst you can



Lord of the Palmtrees said...

Hhahahaha Alex I like that you're always trying to rationalise/reason the way people act in many ways. not many people do that.

But like if its weird round-headed czech Alex (who used to work there on the floor years ago), then like he's probably just making a joke out of things. He's a bit annoying but he was never a serious / strict person when i worked with him.

Anyway, i would choose b) as my option :)
also I'm very jelly that you got to do late night catering because thats my faavvvvv

Xedalenar said...

haha really? I know not to bring it up in conversation with people that aren't blackheath because it makes them awkward for some reason, maybe people just don't care(?)

It was a fun night :P

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

Yea and like the way this dude thinks is like shaped by the way he grew up or the experiences his been through like whether he was like, no kids respected me in my previous thing so now i gotta try and be authoritative etc.

It's cool tho that people are just made up of everythign that happened. but yea u can rationalize everything people do even though its like, why did u do that/???