Tuesday, May 26, 2009

sometimes the sound of a thousand whispering words may confuse...

i know you said not to rant about people, b. but i dont care. this is so un-sazz but eh, human human human?

there are two people, XXX and YYY. If you think you know who they are, don't post on teh blog :( cause theres more than meets the eye, truly. and yes, XXX is someone of this blog. shoot me. but if you're really offended or anything because you think its about you, well... there's more than meets the eye. come beat me up about it. seppuku-tekkai. (shit!) ru and hui should get all of this though. chepapapapa. What is real? What is love? Baby dont hurt me, dont hurt me, no more? And stay friends with me! because, theres more than meets the eye. hint. if you think it may be about you, it isn't.

Its so annoying. Like, xxx is so stupid and closed minded (xxx and yyy are both she's, which is not surprising since I mostly hang out with girls). I think you can't just assume that everything, ever will go your way. Know that it won't. Except when you're playing tips, so sad. Ru and hui have an equal say in what they herselves (?) does... Her interests may differ from yours. I, for one, think its childish to put your values over your friends. And you should really stop being so... Negative about us. Not like we're bad guys or something.
Oh, and why are you so mean to yyy? No, seriously, what did yyy ever do to you that is unforgivable, asides trying to be friends? Because its so stupid. Understand that she was only trying to be yours friend. The impression you give towards her is that she is a cancer. I can't just stop being nice to her and stuff because you are. And she honestly thinks that you're at least friendly towards her. Makes me sad, torn up. So sad. However, xxx, whoever you are (you aren't btw) you wont know its you, like i said before, if you think its you, it prolly isn't, if you don't, it prolly isn't... Yet only know I realise that all that I have just said may, COINCIDENTALLY! apply to others. im really sorry if you think its you...
 so, so, sorry. wow, what a fucking huge coincidence.

dont hate me. soz per sp'c coincidence.


Like, seriously. dont hate me.





posts anyway,  geez  im  a  horiible  person  . . .

EDIT: aaaagh, im so sorry girls! girls are awesome, but im only saying that cause im a guy, and thats what  guys think.  so sad... :( i... im like, sorry... D:)


Ella said...

if its me i'm really sorry

Șмž said...


"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

i'm confused. i don't think you're right about women though. there you go stereotyping women about stereotyping men.

and i don't know who you're talking about so yeah...

Ella said...

so it isn't me

Șмž said...

i sayed *most* women, based on experience, and what others say. i mean some, shut up.

@ ella, no.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

arrgh i dunno who you're talking about and i don't think i wanna know but arrgh!

BMSilverFish said...

i am quite confused

BMSilverFish said...

i don't understand why you "friends" constantly harass each other like this. being at an all boy school none of this crap happens

AcionMan! said...

BMSilverFish, pick up the soap.

BMSilverFish said...

what soap?....

Șмž said...

don't do it!

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

amen smaz, amen
(yea but like, from my experioence, females seem to be shallow up-them-selves know-it-alls that put themselves above people, not saying any of you cos all of yall are awesome sauce)

Action Man! said...

This makes me sad - not only because it means that there is sadness among my friends, but it also means that there is stuff going on that I don't know about :(

Hope XXX and YYY get better/make it up/make out soon, 'cause I wouldn't have the foggiest idea about anything that Sam just wrote about :(

BMSilverFish said...

well you're not the only one out of the circle

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

god i KNOW all these people and i have no idea what's going on!

and i think you're all wrong about women in general. i think there is a tendency towards good in humans in general and that the up themselves, bitchy, stereotyping, evil ones just make more noise. i mean think about all the girls in our year who are nice and then think of the ones that are bitchy. i think you'll find the nice outweigh the bitchy ones.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

ohohohohohohoho!!!! how funny that comment was!!! OHOHOHOHOHO!!!!!! ah only that was that if only you could see it.... wait? which comment? hey brigitta, remember when i said i had a secret language with hui? well here it is!!!! you get it if you think anything like we do!!!! this is so Jesparado and Debito like!!!! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHOH!!!!!!!!!!!! and goat child, i will explain and everything will make sense... OHOHOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO oh the irony!!!!!! OHOHOHOHO
--------------xoxo ms goldenweek in sogeking's aaccount.... ohohohoh

Șмž said...

lolwut/tut, tut/just to interfere/my private, prying ear/and steve be his name/as he clomb his way to fame/but listen closely dears/for you have many fears/what comment speak you?/one and twenty things to do/come get some, 'kay?/For I'll finally keep at bay/My fears, careers, my private ear/my own little steve, crying in fear.

got it?

Șмž said...

...just saying.

JD said...

I as a women am very offended by your previous statement... xD

Betamaxrules said...

Wow, I know everyone here, and I rly have no idea wut you're going on about.
I wish everyone would stop harassing each other, tho.

Also, I don't rly think it's childish to put values above friends ... I mean, friends should come above almost everything, but values should like, come above your life or something.
Or something like that.

Also, obligatory if it's me, totes sorry.