its not finished but its my first line art thingo
dammit its badly saved in jpeg
i resaved it in GIF and put in on photobucket so thats how it really looks
ahh vaile you made me agitated so i have erased the lump on the original in photoshop but im too lazy to upload it... or are i?
see, no more lump. just an erasedd gap
omg its awesome!!
zomg emily is back!!
wow, nice!
whats with that lump right under her skirt?
lump? what lump? that thing of skin or the shadow? either way it wasnt intentional (mah skills are dodgy)
... or was it (looks left looks right)
i need a graphics tablet now....
i didnt use a graphics tablet for that. its too expensive ~~
if you didn't use a tablet i'm doubly impressed! i mean i was impressed to start with but without a tablet...
awww... thx guys!!! naw~~ yall are soo sweeeeet <3
must do more 3D modelling....
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