Wednesday, May 20, 2009

squeeeeee! star trek was so gooooooood......

i'm gonna see it again. i can tell i'm going to get totally addicted to it now. rel (or brian please tell rel. whoever sees this first) the spoof of all the sci-fi movies is called traumshiff surprise: periode 1. it's directed by michael herbig. here is a link: it's hilarious. i have no idea where to buy it or even if you can buy it but yeah. it's great.


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

it sure was a good movie..

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i slept through about 3/4 of the film... kakaka i have to see it again i have.
like, the only thing i remember was u till the second time the people got attacked and at the end when marlena woke me up... and people were all like talking about how awesome the movie was and i was like .. wow, i missed alot of good shit.
but anyway, apparently wolverine was really really shit and who the hell saw the chickflick?

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

come see it with me again! after school or before rhiannon's party or something! that would be fun. and hui can come too cos she missed most of it as well. and i'll prod you every five mins to make sure you're awake.