(random unrelated image) kakakakakak
all that shit must be stopped. no more talking. no more discussing. no more meddling. i was alright for a few days then it came crashing back and maybe it got to be fixed but i dont want to fix it. too much drama and misunderstandings.
so lets just let it be, leave it before it gets worse. but i swear, i tried, hard, and i still dont understand but sometimes things in life arnt meant to be understand and things arnt meant to be.
cool beans? cool beans.
yar gosh guys, get over it...
i'm still curious who you are
it's like my initial game but a lot less interesting to everyone else other than me
ill give you a hint. i am fat
thats funny i didnt type that
hi everyone! whats going on here? my name is Kansas and im from Kansas city (yes its sad that im named after my place of birth)
pfft not bothered with you
thats funny, i didnt type this either.
i am so stupid. i hate myself and every night i go home and cut my wrists because i hate everything. hahahahaha.
ps. im fat.
hi kansas. im balmain public hospital (nrly). pleased to meet you.
whats it like in america?
what? who are all these people!?!?
fat? hmmm i would say me but it isnt... smaz?
I can tell you this much, there is no mystery at all we are a conglomerate of feelings and emotions and ideas felt by those around you.
Q:How did you enjoy the concert?
A: T-shirts? What T-shirts?
why yes, you are fat.
zehahahahaaha. lol, teach's laugh.
stop trolling on a small blog that almost thirteen people read. its not chelyne, brigitta, ella, maxim, brian, or rel. that leaves seven people. its not emily hogg. six. wouldn't be adrienne. five. its not me... four. joel, ru, hui, markr. hmmmmnmmmnmmmnm.
and they did say they were fat. so tahts either hui or markr. and hui doesn;t cut her wrists... fatty, is yuo! how could yuo!
yuo! i kid
lol, not that last sentence. mmm, logic puzzles :D
wtf its not smaz?? who is it? and who is this t-shirt guy??
oh i no. its brigitta and ella who are at ella's house kakakakak
America? America is boring. Balmain Public Hospital? Where is that? Seeing that you are curious about America, Balmain Public Hospital is not in America, right?
whoa, rly? but why would they talk all like "m-m-monsterkill!"? and be against chelyne?
hmmm good point. they dont do that... are these anons all the same or many people? who's fat? ahhh nooooo please use real names. and Kansas, pleased to meet you :D
It has been said before, this is not a mystery...
Not me...
*screams loudly when noone can hear him*
the clue is that they used 'we' in 'and, we're fat. (MOOO!)'
Moo? who moos? ru? joel? they moo.
balmain public hospital is in balmain. in sydney. kakakakakaka you should make an account and join us.
♪Girls girls everyday i heard at these rave things chicks get naked♪
Is it Sazza??!?!!?
Lol I <3 T-shirts guy xDDD "A Cross The Universe" xDDD
sazza??? omfg thz for the strobe lights they were really awesome at the party! of course unless your not sazza... hmmm kakakaka
we are, we are, on the cruise! we are! (moo)
we are, your friends, you'll never be alone again so come on!!! come on!!!!
that was definetly not ella and brigitta.... must be JOEL
Why does everyone blame these on me xD
That clock was not changed by me I prome you xDD
I dont even know how to stop making it say that D:
But if you ask me I doubt that this anon is one person...
Have T-shirt Joel... it doubles as a crying towell...
How many times must it be said.
We are a collection of thoughts and feelings, uncontrolable by any one.
Our will and resolve our only tool it is because of this that we have the power to descend into a spiral of chaos.
I hope Smaz that this does not occur however I cannot assure otherwise, It is similair to that of the principles of ying and yang, a constant battle for equality fought inside each of us between what we believe to be morally wrong or right. However this is on a slightly larger scale.
ok but you better review yourselves soon so we can all have a big laugh ahahaha
and also after a bit of dissection, what you said made no sense to me.. buut im kinda stupid..
"stop trolling on a small blog that almost thirteen people read. its not chelyne, brigitta, ella, maxim, brian, or rel. that leaves seven people. its not emily hogg. six. wouldn't be adrienne. five. its not me... four. joel, ru, hui, markr. hmmmmnmmmnmmmnm.
and they did say they were fat. so tahts either hui or markr. and hui doesn;t cut her wrists... fatty, is yuo! how could yuo!
yuo! i kid
lol, not that last sentence. mmm, logic puzzles :D"
Aw, you forgot me. :(
awww liam i <3 you. sam just knows that you're not annoying enough to be anonamous kakakaka.
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