Rhiannon's friends from riverview.
zomg that was such an awesome party and her friends, ah they're funny humans. It was like really great and marlenaman grabbed the arses of almost all the guys from riverview. it was hilarious!!
and her band was soo epic and there was aguy that looked alot like sam's cousin except he wasnt and his name was harry and he was really epic at guitar and the band peformance was super awesome!1
and it was partly a dance party though with not much dancing but there were strobe lights that were really really really awesome except some people were liek nooos strobe light hurts brain and eyes. kakakakaka i likes strobe. they were the same lights used at bella's party last year.
anyways, the cake was really tasty. and there was dracula was shown on the tv and it was great except it traumatised marlenaman cos there were too many boobs. kakakakakak
but it was like really awesome and the decorations were great
and it was meant to be a goth themed pary but hardly anyone looked goth, except fro maxim who was the gothest of them all in his bright red and yellow shiny suit. kakaka sooo epic
and on the ferry before the party, we saw two goths and we thought they might be going to rhiannon's party so jon went up to them and asked if they were going and they were like, no, but we still followed them and actually found rhiannon's house without a map.
and before the party and sam's house, we played guitar hero and strobed in his room and it was soo epic. i still has the strobe lights and i plays them in my rooom.... triipppppyyyyy.... 
drummer of the band!!
he did a drum solo at the end and it was epic winrar!! kakakak
This is the guy who maxim owned in an arm wrestle. oh yea. lol welshey
yeah, dance.
Awww, that sounds like it was fun xD
that guy who looked like my cousin, he was awesome. so very awesome. and he played guitar all like, pow!
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