Monday, May 25, 2009


Heh, so, gaiz, how's it going? Yeah, I should be doing my geography assignment, but I can't be fucked. Lol, I should stop lurking this journal and actually post, so, yeahh, here I am.

I am sick of all these assignments, it is insane. Madness I'll say. How the hell do they expect us to do well, and furthermore, fucking finish them. Blerghh.



adrienne said...


Șмž said...

you misspelt 'useless'.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

omg i was going to do my geo but i got distracted. anyway, i did alot of eng and history today so im very proud of myself :D
anyway, welcome scribbles, to the blog of dreams kakaka i wish.

adrienne said...

Why thank you.

And well done, at least you're bothered to do work, I've been reading ST fics for the last 2 hours.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

i'm watching sundays ep of merlin and working at the same time. hah, it's so slashy! makes me laugh. and they talk like we do now. like gwen said you're gonna make him better right guys?

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

oh no i lie. his name is guys spelled somehow. i did not know this before two mins ago. i know none of their names cos i have seen 1 and a bit episodes.

Anonymous said...

I think the worst part is that they give us homework on top of the assignments. *chokes Mr Gillieatt*

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

and maths. we always have maths homework and now we have a maths assignment as well.