Saturday, February 20, 2010

i also haz sense of humor

i think my sense of humor is really typical, which for some reason really annoys me. i want to laugh at jokes that no one else finds funny, and at really in appropriate things . i hate being as average as i am, which im not even, im actually slightly below average.

you know what else, year 10 was great, but it really fucked me up. i'm so used to doing nothing im finding it really hard to be motivated to do anything. you know how they were like "you should develop good work habits now, cause in year 11 and 12 its already to late" THEY WERE RIGHT!! and so i have to learn how to learn again (not really seeing as i never learned in the first place). i think that year 10 should have been harder, with more consequences, rather than being a "blug" year. and everyone seems to be learning really well!! like i dont think anyone is having the same problem (on second thought maybe action man). lastyear i was all like "i love my life, it's so easy and i do nothing." Well fuck you Past Jon, you lazy piece of shit.

oh and i started this post trying to lead up to this at from 8:16. does anyone else find this the most hi-larious thing evar? i nearly pissed myself.


Șмž said...

so like... yeah, i cant do any work either for the same reason.

also is its better not laughing at jokes other people dont get than laughing at jokes only you get

BMSilverFish said...

Enjoy your year 11.

It will only get harder

JD said...

It's really not hard man, instead of thinking to yourself "how do I learn better" you should be thinking "how do I bludge better?" I mean really the last thing I worked hard on (teehee... Hard-on) was in Y 10 traditional culture xD