My problem with making le posts on this blog is that I always feel that they need some substance and I have to have some message in them, and they should be long and coherent.
Also, I seem to be really popular on YouTube. As really lame as that sounds, each of my comments seems to get like 50+ thumbs up and remains in the "top rated comments" for weeks. My Gmail is like 1/2 people replying to my comments. I guess it means I can say am a "Professional YouTube commenter."
P.S. Hogg, the difference when I'm trolling is that it's pretty obvious when I am. Some people on the internet are actually 100% serious about the crap they're saying and, by extension, 100% retarded.
no i know, but as you are probably aware, i am pretty shit at telling the difference between what is serious and what isn't. it's not so much the trolling, but the confusion as to whether someone is kidding or not.
I'm kind of getting sick of trolling... not the concept of trolling... just that the quality of trolling nowadays is just plain embarrassing for the rest of us.
this is random but in light of exam stress i felt the need to look up pick up lines then share them with people
I wanna bag you like some groceries.
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