Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ok so I am going to put myself in the firing line

Ok, in procrastination for ext. Maths.

So as most of you know I am an atheist, (the rejection of the belief of the existance of deities).
I was watching youtube videos and there was this one troll girl, that made a video about how god is great and japan. And I dunno if she was telling the truth or not cause to be quite honest, trolls piss me off so much. I am looking at you, Maxim.
Anyway, I then was thinking about religion and atheism, and trying to work out why I don't believe in anything. I guess the first reason is an atheist. It's like as child you are taught what it's ok to say and not to say and thus that's what you believe for a lot of your life. And I am not going to question that part any more. People are raised how they are raised and there is no going back and changing it, so that's it.

Then I was thinking about, well outside how I have been raised, why do I not believe in a god?
I guess I have also been raised in a scientific family, and things that have been proven are valid, like gravity and that light is a particle and a wave and the speed of light is a constant, etc. And I was thinking about the existence of a deity in relation to proof. And I was thinking, the existence of a higher power hasn't been proven, or not to me, anyway. And I mean, if you could prove to me, by more than a supposed miracle, or "something with very small chance occurring". I say it like that, cause hey, maybe if jesus did exist, maybe he wasn't dead, just comatose. And maybe the floods in a supposed Noah's ark stem from the floods in northern America a few hundred thousand years ago, which is basically replicated by the movie Ice Age 2. (Not with Sid and shit and the frozen animals, but that massive flood, actually happened). I mean there are things science cannot explain and that's ok. I don't mind living in a world where not everything is predictable. But I guess the way you can look at it, is such that, everything is possible, but the infinitely small chance of something different occurring is so small it is generally not taken into account. I guess that is kind of going down quantum physics road now.

I mean come to think of it, I guess the existence of a deity gives people a certain hope, that life isn't all there is and there is a supposed progression of the soul. But I am sorta certain that in this world, there is enough to have a life, and live it too. There is so much in this world and if you can seize the day, there is enough for it to be enough, just one life for it to be enough. I mean I can think of so many things I want to do, see, experience, hear, smell, taste. I mean in one life, maybe there isn't enough time, but of all the things in the world. In one life, I think there is enough to be satisfied. Like after a fine meal, just to look at your plate and feel content, not needing desert, not to hungry not to full. I guess that is my metaphor for religion, people want another course or dessert. I want my life to be like a fine meal, at the end, wherever I am, whatever has happened to me, to look back at my life and go, "For all the things it was, and all the things it wasn't. This is the end and that was the best." I mean, I guess you never know about dying, I think you never really know, like being asleep, it's just you don't really wake up. In a state of non-existence. Like I said before though, there is a small hope that some time in the future that my particles will go on to create bigger and better things, maybe a supernova, or a whale or a sun. And it will change and be recycled and you know, after humans are extinct, and Earth has gone, maybe on some far planet my existence will be recreated, you never really know, cause really it is all a possibility in some respects.

Yeh that's really it.


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

hahaha religion.
heres the story of christianism or whatever, the one with jesus in it.
one day, Mary was all like bored and stuffs and decided to get it on with someone that was not joseph. this caused her to be pregnant.
but she didnt want joseph to be all like, Mary, did you cheat on me? so instead she was like, omg i has a child and im a virgin!
and then everyone believed her and jesus was given presents from the MAGI and because mary and joseph and everyone thought that jesus was god's child, jesus believed that he was and was able to do anything so he could.

anyway, point of the story is, i completely dont believe in religion and stuffs but basically, if you believe in yourself, you can do anything. like turning water into wine. ANYTHING.

i dont even know what the point of the comment was/

Lambert said...

I like dessert.

Jonny Boyz said...

i dont know what i am, maybe an agnostic? dont know what the definition of that is. but i think i do believe there is something out there. something greater than us. i dont know maybe its just hope. but somethings in this world are just too beautiful to be an accident, but then again somethings are terrible.

i one of those guys who's religious when its time to be, if you know what i mean. like i always ask for a little help from "God" when im taking off in a plane, just to be on the safe side, but i dont like go to church or say my prayers at night or anything else that remotely resembles hard work. im a pretty superstitious person i guess, but as joel said (i think, cant remember) everyone is a little superstitious, like when you do something nice and your like "yep, that was some gooood karma. something good is going to happen to me" but then i completely forget about it when i do something bad, like "well, lifes a bitch sometimes" i dont know where im going with this, just started rambling

and yes, i agree that your parents shape your outlook on this shit, now that i think about it.

tl;dr i believe in god and karma and shit but am not active about it.

Anonymous said...

"People are raised how they are raised and there is no going back and changing it, so that's it."
"Things are a certain way and that can never be changed"
I am completely against this kind of thing.
I am the the proof that one can defy the way they were brought up by their parents, you should be your own person. Not the product of another.
I do understand though how parents and how you're brought up can greatly affect you, you shouldn't let it define you though.

Anonymous said...

Same person here.
People believe in a god to give themselves a selfish hope for an afterlife. Religion supplies this hope.
Yeah, you can probably guess who this is, I'm just being lazy...

Anonymous said...

Damn, religion would be nice. I could use some hope.
(not joel this time)