(cause I'm avoiding reality)
The following keyword searches from google return (/returned at somepoint) our blog:

The following keyword searches from google return (/returned at somepoint) our blog:
lovely saying images
funny cat love picture
garfield ok who greased my weiner
how to write a practical report
http://just-random-stuffs.blogspot.com/ (only one of us has googled this, it wasn't me)
i say it's going you say down
irony poster
lack of calcium frustration
lovely complex
ms goldenweek
Our most viewed post (by number of unique individual viewers):
Misc. info:
-we have been viewed multiple times by people in the US
-south america does not even know we exist / has never searched for any of those terms above
-africa and most of europe also do not even know we exist
-firefox and chrome have equal views to our blog
-there is a browser called iceweasel
-china has access to blogger
etc etc
that's probably the most interesting thing i've read today
um.. the people in the us, canada and singapore might have been me..
If it says there's anyone from Dubai, then it's probably me...
You guiizeee XD
but yes, it is good information on how to write a prac report
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