i hate it when shitty hipster shit gives me feels. ive got so many feels. such simple things speak so much truth to errybody. i'd swim the ocean for any of you.i literally stared at this stupid gif for like 3 minutes.
man this blog started when we were like in year 8 or something. and look at all the people listed as nakama. idk i just think its weird and sort of nice that those people had some sort of interaction here. but now we never see or hear from them
rhiannon was in my dream last night. she was a bit stand off-ish and acted a bit like she was too good for us.. weird dream/ hui's subconcious?
go swim, now
I have at least two whole folders to either images that gave me immediate feels, or present to me an image of a life I'd love to have that they give me instant feels regardless
Ain't no shame in indulging in some feelporn every now and then
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