Monday, October 21, 2013

fucking korra omg

 (spoilers pls watch s2e7+s2e8 first)

they managed to justify the kind of shitty ending to the original avatar uggh thats pretty clever!
and it was the coolest to see all the original bending

guys what if there are more bendings than just the 4 elements
only they never got given to humans
well obviously there's also the spirit bending that aang got

and it's just that because humans spent generations with only the elements they were allotted that they refined them like crazy and also had the animals that had the elements to teach them (dragons, moles, air bison and the moon i think is the water one)
and they also took them to the next level with the specialty bending like metal bending + sand bending, blood bending, lightning bending (what would the air one be? something op like space bending probably)
but if they met more lion turtles they'd maybe get more elements to bend

but uggghhh episodes 7 and 8 omfg sssoooo cooolllll

so good

so so good


Xedalenar said...

how good were they XD i was ava-gasming the whole time haha

AcionMan! said...

Dude, that Vaatu sonic-beam laser attack? I lost my collective shit. Perfect sense of scale and mythicalness to it IMO, couldn't have asked for a better creation story.