Tuesday, October 8, 2013

oh man

so I was watching some stuff on youtube and i decided to see the shitty shit i uploaded cerca 2009 when i was a shitty teenager

so apparently 101,000 people have watched a terrible video i made about mother 3

that's weird as shit mang

and 17,000 people saw the daft hands mashup i made and rhiannon commented on it this year??

but seriously guys please tell me you also made shitty youtube videos  (ok the daft hands one was good) but please ugh
i was in with the youtube poops
ahh man what a terrible internet life i lived


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

im impressed that the mother 3 has proper top comments and convos and people watching pretty recently

congratulations you have social media'ed

also the dislikes lol (but more importantly the likes)

xed said...

haha this^
yo famous bro!