Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Eight killed in US raid on Syria

Damascus reacts with fury to what it says was a helicopter and special forces strike on its territory

Very stylish america!


if you look on the internet on the situation in Gaza its really a suprisingly bias and western view against Israel, when Israel are actually doing the right thing, i mean come on Gaza is under Hamas's control, which is an extremely racist and conformist-religous militia which has just brought more havoc and chaos to the middle east, its definately alot more controled and succesfull than Americas all out cock fight with any middle eastern country that has some kind of militant group occupying it, i mean i dont get all this race-ism it isnt the actuall governments that the soldiers are fighting its seperatist militants and yet George Bush and John Howard ( luckily not anymore) treat it like a war!?

SO_yea like GO ISRAEL GO!!!



Lol i r to go camping on weekend :S and i can_has 1 friend (or two maybz) to go but nafan is to go somewhere so am liek LF1~2 friends to come with if you want its liek north not too loong away and it is called pretty beach :3 so if you want to come just tell me (if you dont then thats ookay!)