LAMBERT GO ENABLE YOUR PROFILE SO TAT I CAN SEES IT (or you'll put all of mst of doom's efforts to waste T.T)
mwahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahahahaha.... mst of doom is teh evilll..... meddling wif people's businessesss is fun and always works mwahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahah.......
vampire pig........ P-CHan!!!!! yes... kero, thats what we musts calls the little vampire pig..(you know what i'm talking bout) believe in shangri-la... too many inside jokes...
bokura wa mezashita Shangri-La yokubou wa osaekirezu nikuusou ni
mamireta "jiyuu" o motometsudzuketa
ima nara ieru darou koko ga sou rakuen sa
sayonara aoki hibi yo
i is leaving on 23 of jan fo holiday and i wills misses yous.
we( i mean YOU [hell no.... u!]) must has another parties and invites more humans plsss
(and dun invites humans the night before the party cuz they might be doing stufffs [Ella! maybe YOU can has the party and liek invite brigitta and tim etc cuz i havent seen them all hols and also yous])
happy holidays everybody!!!!!
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