But I know I can change, I'll change for myself

Saturday, May 9, 2009

dear chelyne (and all you guys ought to read this too)

dear chelyne, i really hope that you read this.
i think i understand why you said you thought ru's rant was out of place. correct me if i'm wrong (and i sincerely hope i'm not) but i think what you meant when you said ru's rant was out of place was that this was the wrong place to have the rant. it's public and anyone can read it. and i understand why ru was upset. but i also think that everyone overreacted slightly to it. i also think that everyone overreacted to your post about it just being a party. because despite how important parties seem to be to us now what do they actually matter? there are always more parties. it's not as if that was the last party anyone was ever going to throw ever was it? and yes maybe emily did something stupid but she can just have another party. none of us will probably remember this in 20 years time and if we do we'll probably look on it as something amusing or stupid. and i don't think that anyone should throw away any friendships over this. i know i'm certainly not going to stop being friends with you over this. i like you. i appreciate your friendship. and i will definitely come to your party if you have one for your birthday. and i don't think you undervalue any of your friendships. it can easily be the case that what one person considers a really good friend can be considered by the other not so good. i think you've been put in some difficult positions in the last few months with emily's other party and so on. and i really think that ru's last post WAS out of place. and one of hui's comments. i don't think anyone has the right to call anyone a bitch to their face. particularly in the way that they did. i think they ought to apologise to you because i find that upsetting. i would never do that to anyone and i don't think that any one of my friends should either. i don't think it's a reason to end my friendship with either ru or hui but i certainly don't think that it's acceptable that either one of them should have called you a bitch. in fact to me that's far far worse than what you said.
i don't want you to leave the blog or our friend group. even if you leave both i will stay friends with you.
from brigitta.

ps. to hui and ru and others who were really rude to chelyne. i think you should apologise to her because it's unacceptable to call someone a bitch the way you did. i'm not going to stop being friends with you over it because i like you both too much to just throw that away. i do think that it was pretty immature of both of you to have dealt with it like this though. i don't want you to be angry and upset with me over this but that's what i think and i think you should know that.


Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i did not call her a bitch fullstop and the comment is the representation of my anger at that time. I LOVE ALL OF YOU. im not going to apologise

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i said sorry to her but if you want me to make a public apology i will. but you should have taken her side before she left. im just frustrated and yeah. i will stop fighting now..(*implodes*). now. now.
ok, i stopped. peace.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

ok you didn't call her a bitch i apologise i confused what you and ru said. i still think you should apologise. just because something was said in anger doesn't justify it.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

i didn't know she had left until today. i hadn't checked the blog until today. i don't think i checked yesterday. i was busy doing something else yesterday and didn't check. and as long as you've apologised to her i'm happy. i just wanted to air my views in support of chelyne publicly so that people are aware.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

my comment was me defending my nakama annd i stand by it. but im also sad that i've lost a nakama.. *criessss*

Pi3manic said...

thank you brigitta, i truly love having you as a freind. and i will contiue to be your friend as well as everyone who has not compleatly insulted me or doesnt hate me

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

thank you guys. it just upsets me when people get all angry and cross and insult people and stuff it upsets me.

Betamaxrules said...

here here I say.

that was rude and mean of you guys, and you should apologise.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

now, what did i do?

poppinfresh said...

poppinfresh strikes back!!!

anyhui i suggest you people plan some form of evil strategy into getting back at chelyne. A form of attack would be nice where a couple of you people flank her on both sides in a pincer movement and someone from the front charges into her.

The result of which she will be something something.....the plan in my head sounded alot better.....

poppinfresh AWAY!!!