Finally the king is dead, we cried off with his head, everything must change!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Fine then

i dont hate you


Pi3manic said...

acepted but i am afaid i am not quite ready to acept you as a freind nor am i sure i can repair the damage from you and ms golden week

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

what damage?

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

... i dont want to be friends with you. at all.
when we were friends, i tried so hard to please you and be nice to you and i did things that you asked me to do because i wanted to make you happy. i have always helped you in school work when you wanted in like when you asked me to write you a speech, help in english and french etc etc but when we did group work, you never did anything and if you did it was very minimal and it was unfair that you received equal credit. i dont blame you for it cause i know i have a tendency to overdo schoolwork and take over group work. and i have always tried to do what i can to make you happy like when i got you invited to josh's party etc etc. and it is so frustrating that you are not even trying to like me., your're pushing me away all because i defended ru because i felt that your comment was insensitive. i know everyone wants this put behind but i worked too hard and too long just to be nice to you, to be a good friend to you and this happens. and no one is in my position or knows what is in my head so it is fair. i dont even know what damage i did, i just commented one comment. just like you did. fair enough we both have opinions but for you to go leave and to say that i damaged you, that is unfair and i dont understand why i deserve to be treated like this. i dont understand why i have to apologise to you when you did not apologise to ru and i do not understand why brigitta requested me and ms golden week to apologise and not joelnes as he also made a comment that followed up to your comment. i also feel that this has something to do with me being blood related to ru, i defend her more strongly because she honmestly means more to me than any one else in IGS etc etc so that hurt me too but im not trying to damage you or cause harm. This is also my opinion and if you cant accept it, fine by me. peace :)

Pi3manic said...

its nice too know ur oppion and when i said damage i was inclouding the previous missunderstanding which was from joshs party. ru it was just your rant about me and i forgive you for that. hui i did not mean to not d=be unhelpful in classes or any thing. its a shame to loose you as a friend, u were one of my closest but apprently it cant work so good bye.