Monday, May 4, 2009

New Blog

I'm thinking of setting up a craft and Illustration blog is anyone interested in being a contributor. I'm thinking of making things like sock animals, badges, brooches, cards, headbands, Jewelry, flowers and tees. At the end of the year if we make enough stuff we could go and sell stuff at Glebe Markets. Anyone interested???and I want to make stuff like this:

And on an inspiration at the moment its this blog -> I forgot how to link but its very pretty and I like her later stuff. Sm2, Joelnes you don't need to see it if you don't want to due to it being womens' fashion orientated. To add to its coolness its partly in swedish and part in English. Though you can translate it.

Another cool person at the moment is The Bedroom Philosopher who sings really quite funny songs. 
I'm also kinda sad I didn't get to see Dylan Moran at the ABC shop at the QVB today. But I've Had a really lovely day today full of laughs and odd conversations including one about angsty teenagers and book characters with Amira and a rather frivolous conversation about Christianity and how devout I am (which is not very) On Sunday does anyone want to go round the city and visit all the cathedrals and churches (we may have to bring collection money if we walk in accidently on a service or we'll watch from outside) 

 Finally but not least people who like Feist, Goldfrapp, New Pornographers, Sia, Washington or Bird and the Bee should listen to Lavender Diamond ->
or Alela Diane 

                  Lots of love Tea and Chocolate


"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

i would but frankly i'm far too lazy and have my own things to do. no offence. not dissing your idea. just VERY lazy. and also quite busy with my own projects.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

also i wasn't terribly taken with glebe markets when we went there. not that there was anything in particular wrong with it i was just not terribly attracted to it. nothing there seemed particularly spectacularly brilliant to me.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i would love love love to have another blog but seriosly, no one's gonna update it. like with your blog, and hoggy's blog, and even the almigbhty smaz's blog. NEVER GETS UPDATED NEVER
so yea, with all due respect and love, i dont think it would work.

Betamaxrules said...

Wut makes you think I would want to have anythun to do w/women's fashion?

it's like the least gay man part of me, other than my being female.

Șмž said...

geez, hui, subtle there.

and fatty, if you're not interested, don't reply... don't start a flame war.