Sunday, May 24, 2009

uuugh... school tomorrow

i get this blissful feeling every saturday which is like: oh thank god! holidays are here! i can sleep in!
this obviously comes around and bites me on sunday night when it's like: uuuughhh.... school for another five days! uuuughhh.....
this makes my saturdays and friday nights absolutely wonderful but my sunday evenings godawful.

do you think there is alien life? I reckon there is because the observable universe alone is really fucking huge and there has to be at least one other planet out there that can support life. i reckon that the odds that earth is the only planet capable of supporting life are actually smaller than the chances that another planet supports life. don't you think? i mean it's pointless saying what are the odds that of the one planet in the universe supporting life we're on it? because of course we're on it dumbass! we're life aren't we??? there is one planet capable of supporting life and we are life so duh! we're gonna be on it!!!!! those people are stupid. that lump of grey mushy stuff between your ears? it's called a brain. USE IT.

the reason i'm writing that here is because i don't think any of you are dumbasses so i think it's safe to say that. it shows my faith in your intelligence. it's a compliment.


BMSilverFish said...

why would the brain be pink? Grey Matter ring a bell?

AcionMan! said...

Of course there is. I saw this documentary on this guy that had a "foolproof" way to win at horse betting, and he gave the example of getting trying to get 10 heads in a row from flipping a coin. Of course, at first, it seems like an almost impossibility, but then he went on to flip it for the rest of the day. Every time he failed to get 10 heads in a row, the chances that he would increased. So, by his 20,000th try or w/e it would become almost impossible NOT to flip 10 heads in a row.

The same logic applies for life on planets. Whilst we are probably, and most likely are, the only planet for thousands of lightyears with life, the universe is infinite, meaning it is impossible not to have ANY chance-based outcome. I am 100% certain that at some point in time, there was or will be a planet that has canine ninjas with giant testicles.

"insert appropriate nickname here" said...

what do you mean "not to be offensive or anything, but 'faith in intelligence'" are faith in anything and intelligence mutually exclusive?????? I THINK NOT! i DID NOT SAY I HAD FAITH IN GOD.


Șмž said...

lol, faith.
2. belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact
not to be a-theist or anything... but yeah, soz. i feel stupid now :). oh well