Since me and chelyne were the only ones here who went to Tiggy's wake, I'll recount it for you all. I'm writing it kinda informally because it was informal event, somehow. sorry about all the ands.
So we got there an hour early, and morgan, mary and sarah (all of whom I went with) were all, 'is this the right place?' but I knew it was cause I google earthed it before. and then there was only us and chelyne, maddie, moemoe and blaise there so far so we went to get stuff, which only morgan and her dad did (he was a bit chime the entire time), and when we got back an hour later there were 150 people there.
and so we all split into our groups (igs, pittwater, family, pizza cutters) as you do
and tiggy's mum made a speech shortly after, saying that a year ago, she (their mum) had been seriously sick and so they talked about what they would do if each other died, and Tiggy said she didn't want a funeral but a huge party, with pizza and lots of people. and she talked a bit about all the things Tiggy did and how she's forgiven everything. and there were also wakes in New York and London for her, and her school is dedicating their next major band concert to her, and that the White family are going to help out a lot of charities and causes for preventing / easing depression in teenagers because of this.
so anyway, the part that we all wanted to know: (if you haven't seen it yet, ask someone. it's probably better that I don't say it online actually.)
anyway, after she dropped out of school this year she had a variety of jobs, but she always kept her job at the pizza place, Pizza Cutters. and she was loved there too. the staff there took today off to make lots of pizza for her wake. and their pizza was really good, too.
at the wake, there was a board full of photos of Tiggy during her life. people went up and put on pictures that they printed & brought. they were handing around a few books in which people wrote memories and stories about Tiggy's life to be made into a book.
Tyler (brian: Tiggy and Tyler were twins) and their dad had put together a list of all the things that had made up Tiggy as well, which was good. (it was like 4 A4 pages vertically of dot points)
and we all sort of mingled exclusively for a while. And Tyler came over and we talked to him, and he is still in shock and hasn't really sort of realised that he'll never see Tiggy again. he was also saying how few people at the event he actually knew.
then I hung out with Tyler's other friends and him for a while. they're pretty cool. they basically consist of three identical triplets and two of their boyfriends, as well as three other guys. And everyone else from igs only hung out with igs people. except i was really quiet the whole time, but thats me. and what's really weird is that Tyler is really quiet around them. sorta. he's still leaving to join the British army next March though so we need to do stuff for him.
what's really weird is that this girl Taylor was in my year 6 class at Birchgrove and she was here but she looked nothing like what she used to cause of all this glittery makeup and shit, and then I was saying to Hannah Mackay that Taylor was here, and it turns out Taylor goes to blackwattle.
and then at the end, we wrote messages on special lightweight paper and tied them to balloons and set them free. one of the balloons was too weighted so it sort of didn't go with the other ones, and it sort of went over the hill instead of into the clouds. and that was the end of the wake, and we all sort of went home after that.
one of the things about igs people is that there's always drama, and at this there was this whole thing of mary apologising to megan, megan being all fuck you bitch, mary being all fuck you bitch blah blah blah but it wasn't important so I didn't really pay attention (I still wouldn't if it was) because this is about Tiggy.
man, it's hard to believe that Tiggy's gone... it's so weird...