my pajama pants!!! they were 5 dollars from old navy
kakakakakaak that's right Lambert, my pajama pants beat yours! Kakakakakak

and this is the super awesome apartment
yeaaah... sitting on the sofa, on the blog.. listening to one less lonely girl by JB
RIP tiggy <3
oh and I've dined at Red Lobster and Olive Garden. WHY CANT YOU GUYZ BE HERE. I've spent the whole afternoon watching the neon genesis evangelion series on animefreak
Stop, so, envious.
OMG neon Genesis Evongelion is The Best Anime Ever!!!!!!!! Ive seen the entire series 4 times !!!!! and the movies to!!!
sorry that made me really happy, you should come over and watch the first alturnitive endding with me cause i got the series and the first 2 movies on dvd!
also nice work with the olive garden i like that and did you get a lobster necklace from red lobster, or do they not do that any more?
GASP WHAT. Lobster necklace?!?! I did not receive such a thing but ru told the waitress that we were children and they gave us the kid menua which had a find-a-word and a maze :)
OMG can we pleeeeeeasse have an evangelion marathon because that would make me soo soo happy. Have you seen Evangelion 2.22 You can(not) advanced?
the neon genesis series just confuses me
2.2 is amazing; A-MAZE-ING!
I just want the whole evangellion series including all the movies playing in my house all the time :D
i havent seen all of the newer movies just the first one.
The newer movies are sooo fsking amazing, i really cannot wait for the next one. I played the ending theme of you can(not) advance on repeat last night. soooooooooooo good
*looks around awkwardly*
I don't watch nearly enough anime
Even if your PJs were better than mine (which they're not), mine would still beat your just by sheer number and comfy you to death!!! bwahaha!
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