Sunday, December 12, 2010


Anyway, I've decided we're to meet up at 2pm (Tuesday) at QVB or something if people can make it...

Basically, I was thinking of like a lunch-dinner picnic with movies and stuff afterwards... problem is though is that since I'm home alone (Mum left to Vanuatu till the 15th) and mum didn't leave me any money ( D:) it'd be well appreciated if people either brought food or money for food/movies... hopefully I'll have money by then so all should be good :)
Anyway, bring swimmers 'cause I also have a pool, that's if people will want to swim (It gets real hot over here).
Also if y'all want to drank it's up to you, it's more or less just going to be real chill though.

Also, if anyone can let me know who's coming, that would be nice.


Kwon said...

i would but... ima suppose to be pickin up my bike from the shop at 2

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

yea i'll defs be there but i'll be like 30mins late so yall should wait for me :)

Hoggle said...

haha hui. Umm I can probably come.

Brian said...

blah my mum won't let meh

i'll have to wait till after this friday when my mum leaves for hong kong before i can roam around

Șмž said...

that post-HSC independence huh
but I'm going to the new pool place in town till like 3.30 or 4 so... what do
do I trek it to your house on my own? I don't even know where it is... I think there are others going to both but idk

JD said...

So who is coming?
I have no idea who btw, all I know is posted on this blog.