Friday, December 10, 2010

Something good can chill.

Anyway, my mum's away for like two week or something...
I was thinking have like some chiller night/picnic thing at mein haus (The middle of nowhere!)
Brian is invited too, infact Brian is invited especially. Brian, it's compulsory for you to come, I just invited the shit out of you.


Brian said...

where do you live so i can get a rough idea

JD said...

I live at like fucking Newington-town
Like, olympic park yo.
It's truesday by the way.
I'm drank atm moment :] so I'm not going ot say much more... but more or less depending on majority vote there will more than likely be drank.
Drank, drunk, drink.
I'm not as weird as people make me out to be :(

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

im there.

also right now im in the hotel motel holiday inn!

(and asians all around the world are the same)

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU BRIAN. OMG. I want go but am in winter but want see this kid we've never properly met before fuuu wizarding world of harry potter tomorrow wooo me not so bad anymoar love you kids