So in this post I am going to do a Lambert and reference How I Met Your Mother,
In one of the more recent episodes they explained a phenomenon called "graduation goggles", a simple premise explaining how the closer you get to the end of something the more you sorta see bad as good and really want it to last longer even though for the last however long it has seemed kinda ahit and difficult.
And I am beginning to get this now, I want to go back to school, I really do, I am so looking forward to it, even though I havent done the maths I think I was meant to do and I haven't read that book for english. And I am so ridiculously scared, like legitimately I have had like 30 nightmares about my exam results, I am not even kidding.
But all the same I want to be back in school. I mean the holidays have been great and I know the day back I will be slowly rebeginning my descent into the quicksand heap of work I have delivered myself into, this HSC. I mean fuck. It really is a lot (Maths Online is amazing). Anyway yeah, I want to go back to learning.
Also I had a dream where you all rejected me cause I failed my english and maths exams. (SO SO SCARED OF RESULTS and it isnt even the big HSC exam)
Anyway here is a photo that I thought you might like in the spirit of easter. I know you have probably seen them before so the last one is just cause it seemed more original.
Also don't take it seriously and yeh, whatever, you know I don't like children, but it made me laugh