Friday, December 7, 2012

bore dough

a lot of expensive wine was wasted on hui. i went on this wine tasting thing with my parents and parents friends and ended up playing with 8-12 year olds.

all the wine was red and fancy shizz and i was unable to appreciate any of it but i now have an extensive knowledge of the many ways wine is made.

one of the adults had his hood on and the tour guide thought he looked funny and was all like "you look like you have a condom on your head" and everyone especially my mother laughed like it was funniest shit eva but then the 8 year old was like "lol wut i dont get it" and ran around everywhere yelling "COndo on your headd!!" for like the whole day and didnt get the joke.

i went out with my sister and her friends last night for some guy's berfday and that was pretty fun. it was like hangin out wit u guys and evryone was like holding cups of mojito on da tram. the best part was everyone slowly walkin back to the apartment bein pretty drank at 2am from da pub like on the pretty streets of bordeaux. bon nuit now.

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