Saturday, January 24, 2009

I'm Back!

I'm baaaaack!
and I gots mah tiemtable!

Filmmaking Silk
English Patulny
History Miller
Maths Campbell everyone got same as last year
Science Smith
Music Freeman and Travis
German Galfetti
Geography Blacker
PDHPE Raeburn

is anyone in my classes other than music maths his and geo? srsly?
I got maths german and history in mountain street

I also got lulz-worthy photos from canada but mah camera is screwing up


Șмž said...

Ha-ha! Awww, but we're in different science classes... so science will be pretty boring this year for me, without all your randomnocity and shit...

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i got ms souroulis however you spell her name... there fore i didnt get the same