That is not the way it goes down

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Good Bye Guys

okay, apparently i am out of place and a totall bitch. so this is my formal withdrawl from this blog, freindship group, and all that. its too much of an effort to not offend you and when i say to much of an effort i mean not saying any of my true oppions. many happy returns.

chelyne danielle marie ciceu


Pi3manic said...

and hui now you the reason my best freinds are cats

Șмž said...

aaargh. The people on this blog have a habit of taking things waaay too far. Chelyne, just cause u made a mistake and people reacted badly doesn't mean u should leave. Look at what happened with emily.
R u sure u don't want to b friends with any of us anymore? Cause it seems kinda sudden.

Ella said...

don't leave i'm not upset about what you said its your own opinion and a lot of what you said was right.

JD said...

That's fine with me, i'd rather you didn't just leave like this and deny us of your friendship just cause people reacted when you disregarded one of our best friends feelings... after all that's what friends do.

This also re-affirms my point about you being aggressive, because your opinions of people are way too black and white. There are those you think deserve your friendship and who you are actually a good friend to... and those who you think don't deserve it and whose feelings you completely disregard for for whatever reason be it because you think they're stupid, annoying or *ahem* any other number of reasons that you and I both know of(but i wont mention here just for you ;D).

Also that's pretty weak of you to blame it on Hui for your desertion of our so called "social group" even though she was just defending her sisters feelings which you just completely disregarded.

Also you spelt "opinion" incorrectly.

Peace out.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

ok.... maybe i over reacted cause like i really stand by what i thought/said and you said that i was way off and yeah... but like that was like a misunderstanding or something and i was just expressing what i felt on the blog. i guess what im trying to say is: wtf? im confused.
so yeah, and i dont understand why you would 'formaly' withdraw from the blog/social group. like i didnt think this was so serious that you had to withdraw from the social group. when you have a probllem with friends, why dont you work things out and not just get away from it. why do you throw your friendship away? people want your friendship and want to like you so let them cause they do.