Nothing that happens is ever forgotten, even if you can't remember it

Friday, May 8, 2009

WHat other people call passion, is one frame in your film

mainly for chelyne, but read anyway: i am not disrespecting your opinion, i am just justifying mine.
way out of place. what, so it was right for emily to do all those things to us? to not include us and betray us and try to keep things from us. Like, right now, i completely forgive her now are were cool and happy. :)
but for you to say that it was way out of place and that it was 'just and party' and we should all get over it? you have no idea how i feel and what i was feeling. you do not have the same kind of relationship with emily hogg that i have. see, i thought me and emily were tight then all that shit happened so it felt like i lost a true awesome friend so it affected me and hurt me alot. it was not way off as it made sense, it was relevant and it also related to other people on the blog. like, everything in that rant was completely true and i remember them because they affected me. its probably because it did not affect you because you are not me.
you cant say that if you're not im my situation. you're being really closed minded about this. i felt anger and i explained it and got it out. and some of those things emily did were probably not even intentional and if she read the blog and was like, oh, i didnt mean it that way and apologised anyway, then thats alright, it makes her more aware of her actions are my feelings. and talking and ranting and commmunicating like this helps to resolve problems and uncertainties.
. why did you say that. now tell me (if you want to, im not forcing you), what was so way off about it. i want to hear your side or what you think, chelyne
('you toss in a word, and im your villian, i see your passion emerge, but im your villian, but serious, your so serious.' 'i cannot stand to see those eyes as apologises my rise i must be strong, stay an unbeliever, and love the sound of you walking away.' 'dont know you, and i, i dont want to, your so awkward just like me but i dont care, im the reason your leaving x4'-some lyrics or franz ferdinand songs which i thought was relevant)


Pi3manic said...

good bye ru

ps i never excpect anyone to come to my party so no one turning up would simply live up to my excpectations

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! i feel so like betrayed (again). man this is why you annoy me. this is because you like disrespect your friends and you underestimate them and think they all hate you or something. i dont fucking hate you. omfg. like seriously, it also like hurts me that you think i wouldnt go too your party cause i would and i see you as a friend. its just because you like thought the way i felt was wrong and like thought that all that happened was ok. it might be okay to you but not to me. you might think that its okay for people not to come to your party but i dont think its okay for people to not go to your party. omfg. why do you think your friends dont care for you. we care for you. i just wish you knew that and excepted that. are we that bad friends? when there is like a friendship problem, we try to work things out and fix it not run away from it. AHHHHHh this is so fucking annoying. i cant believe you would think that. i wish you wouldnt underestimate your friends, they all turned up to your party in the past, why wont they turn up in the future, they love you so much more than you will ever know like i just wish you accepted their love. also you probs wount read this which is going to be super super annoying.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

and also, you didnt tell me why my rant was way off.

Betamaxrules said...

it's just a party man.
doesn't matter.