what the?? good grief it has begun. take this baby to the maximum

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Hi everyone.

I know I'm going to get yelled at and people will be pissed off at me for saying this but..

Can you please just get over it??
Like seriously, I know what I did was wrong but jumping on comments that people make is just immature
I dont care if you get pissed 0ff at me for saying this, but everyone has the right to their own opinions, its called human rights.
I'm not going to take sides, because you both did something wrong, but please, please, please, just get over it. Yelling, isolating yourself, or calling each other names and insulting eachother isn't going to help anything.
Have you noticed that calling someone rude when you don't agree with them is just slack and also retreating and running away from people who love you but you've had a fight with is just as slack. Just stop blaming each other or anything.

Plus, have you people noticed you are arguing about stuff I did being right or wrong.
I will make that decision, not you guys! So please, just get the fuck over it.

Also, Every person has the right to their own opinions and chelyne, ru and hui are allowed to express their feelings in the way they choose. and ru, just because chelyne disagrees with the way you reacted, there is no need to yell at her.

And if any of you remember this in 20 years, as anything more than a misunderstanding, or a stupid teenage thing, then you rly have the wrong priorities.

ok, thats all i'm gonna say.

p.s. Vaille, u can't blame this on yourself, the blog was a good idea. Just because we r being argumentative teenagers is no reason to change your mind about making it. I actually thank you for making it cause otherwise, I'd be in a very difficult position.


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

ok, i will try not to jump on you. the present makes the future....(also i want to say alot but i can't cause i will be disturbing the peace.)

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

i love you emily hogg <3 :) XD
i love emoticons as well :)

Șмž said...

Awww but I love blaming myself


Betamaxrules said...

totally man
I hate arguments.