if you do it right let it go all night shadows on you break out into the light

Sunday, May 10, 2009


You know what?
I love all you guise. And I rly don't give a shit what anyone does or anyone says. No am I or have I ever been, particularly offended by anyone here.

Fuck all this arguing. Who gives a shit? And you know, as much as I love you all, I really just don't care if you feel offended by someone else on here.

Everyone get the fuck over yourselves.
Stop using the blog as your personal baaaw space if someone offends your precious feelings. Rants are fine. Whines are not.
Start being good friends and ignoring it if someone does something you don't like.
Start loving everyone.

All of you are awesome and none of you deserve to be hated on by anyone, including each other. So shut up and keep a stiff upper lip.

I love you all regardless of what happens, unless it's something absolutely extremely awfully bad, like ten times worse than any of us have ever done to each other before.
So be happy, shut up, and start being a little more forgiving.



adrienne said...

.. Hai gaiz. <3

Okay. I want to be able to post something here. LOL. Orz"""


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

i really still dont know what was such a terrible thing i did.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

also marlena, your on chelyne's hit list and i've come to join you

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

lol merlin!!!!!!!!! <3

Hoggle said...

omg its adrienne!

Șмž said...

no offence marlena, but you have a tendency to get over things really quickly. also, you seem to always expect everyone else to just stop being angry for no apparant reason. doesn't work like that.

and stop whining about how we whine.

lol, and those cookies we made were awesome except that when we were driving away from your house my dad braked suddenly and because of that the mr saturn one broke and went everywere and i had to pick it up and it was all sad like.
and ur new dog felix is awesome, and as big as my dog (seriously).

Betamaxrules said...

Why am I on cheylyne's list...?