open your mouth, stick out your tongue, and go 'ahh'

Saturday, May 9, 2009

what have i done?

ive created a monster. if it wasnt for me, this whole argument wouldnt be happening. me and my stupid creating the blog thing ness. breaking the close friends like that.
so sad.

yes, chelyne, if u want to come back to the blog, just ask.

and guys, I am havesing an birthday party and stuffs. next weekend, saturday. but liek, what to do? i cant just do the usual because i have like 20 people to invite. and i cant go to zone or intensity or teh movies because i have like 20 people to invite, and tahtll be expensive, and i need a not expensive party so my parents spend money on my present so i can hopefully get th guitar hero world tour complete kit.

check out cyanide and happiness: a webcomic that's actually funny (no offence, but most webcomics make exactly the same bad jokes.)


⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

chelyne doesnt want to come back to the blog. i asked her over a million times. i said sorry to her over a million times and i asked her to forgive me and i asked her to be friends again and i told her i love her a million times. im on her hitlist now but i told her to be on the blog cause you guys are on it and you guys did nothing. infact, i think she left because of me. i apologised to her and tried to give love and she said, i will not be seeing you. i have alot more i want to say but im going to get angry again.

⚡ Ms Golden Week ⚡ said...

also, its not your fault for the blog. it was my fault for using it wrongly. i should have never invited lambie and kicked him cause that damaged my friendship with him and i love lambie. and i should not have called chelyne a bitch and go against her opinions when she went against mine.

Lord of the Palmtrees said...

have another mario kart/ swimming party (as long as it is not too cold to swim!)
they're always so mcuh fun :)